Sunday, October 17, 2010

There you go again...

The Twitter Quitter Invokes the Memory of the Great Phony-Conservative
Palin told the roaring crowd she wanted a return to principles Reagan espoused: "lower taxes, smaller, smarter government, less overreach and intrusion, strong, unapologetic national defense."
Sure, let's send the Iranians some more missiles!

Ronald Reagan while once running around masquerading as a 'conservative' infamously said, "Our government continues to spend $17 million a day more than the government takes in".  When he left office we were spending $484 million more every day than we took in!

And of course if you're lucky enough to read 'done that' you're quite aware of the disasterous effect Reagan had on unemployment during the recession his 'trickle-down' policies caused.  It wasn't until Democrats wrestled back control of the Senate six years into his presidency that things turned around for our economy.

Taxes?   Reagan raised taxes on the middle class five years in a row by increasing payroll taxes on Social Security and Medicare and more than doubled the gasoline tax.  He still holds the record for the largest tax increase in our nation's history.  Of course, entirely on the backs of the middle class.

'Smaller government'? Reagan added 61,000 government employees and tripled our country's debt. In contrast, Bill Clinton reduced the size of government by 373,000 jobs.

And, on 'national defense', Mrs. Quitter?   Reagan was the true 'Paper Tiger', the original 'cut and runner'.  Not only did he cut and run when Hezbollah murdered 241 of our men in Beirut, but he turned around and sold those same terrorists thousands of missiles less than two years later. 

Who knows - maybe the Quitter longs for the days when our Commander-in-Chief supplied our enemies with deadly biological weapons...

The last thing this country needs is another bankrupting, traitorous Republican fool like Ronald Reagan.  Unfortunately, we are a nation dominated by people ignorant of the facts who actually believe dumbasses like Palin so we might just get one again anyway.