Monday, June 28, 2010

Flatout Debunking Another Reagan Myth

'Poor Ronnie Reagan had a Democratic Congress'

When the useful idiots sadly learn - like they did with Saturday's history lesson - that Ronald Reagan wasn't even close to being anywhere near a legitimate fiscal 'conservative' they always whine, 'well but, he had a Democratic Congress he had to deal with'. That of course is just another lie fed to them by the Grover Norquists, the Heritage Foundation, the Drudges, Fox News and the Limpdick Pedophile who have it so easy in herding their sheep because they're dominated by simple-minded fools who are incapable of learning the facts on their own.

You wouldn't think it would be very difficult to show a little curiosity and at least make an attempt to look up the fact that the 97th Congress, the 98th Congress and the 99th Congress, which served during Reagan's first six years in office, 1981-1987, had Republican majorities in the Senate. Of course that would require the wingnut and teabagger sheep to have the aptitude and the intellectual capacity to learn the facts on their own. And after all, if they had that, they wouldn't be phony-conservative teabagging wingnuts, now would they?