Sunday, June 27, 2010

Why do we care what John McCain has to say?
As I do every Sunday morning at 9AM I am watching 'Meet the Press' and once again I have to listen to that dumbass John McCain talk about foreign policy and Afghanistan.

John McCain is almost as big of a loser on Afghanistan as George Bush and Dick Cheney.

What did that dumbass say back in 2003 when we should have been fighting those who attacked us on 9/11? He said, it's no big deal, we can waste our time in Iraq - which we all know, didn't have anything to do with 9/11 - and, ah, "we can muddle through Afghanistan" and that little "conflict there takes a back seat in importance to Iraq".

Quit cramming that pathetic idiot's opinions down our throats! That senile old bastard is a loser in the first degree and anyone who has even a shred of a clue of what has really happened in the 'war on terror' knows he, like 99% of the losers on the right, don't know what the hell they're talking about.

Now read the next post and learn something about the real 'phony-conservatives'.