Saturday, June 26, 2010

Oh My God, the Sky is Falling

Unemployment is High and Barack Obama's Approval Ratings are Down


When Ronald Reagan took office in January 1981 the unemployment rate was 7.5%. When Barack Obama took office in January 2009 unemployment was 7.7%. In Obama's 16th month in office - May 2010 - unemployment was 9.7%. In Reagan's 16th month in office - May 1982 - unemployment was 9.4%. And just think; Reagan did not have to contend with the worst recession since the Great Depression like Obama has had to. In George W. Bush's last month in office; we lost 779,000 jobs and there has been a decrease in job losses every month that Obama has been in office and in fact, we've had job GAINS every month this year.

But wait, the comparison to Reagan and Obama gets even better; we've had three months of double-digit unemployment under Obama; last October through December with October being the highest at 10.1%. Under Ronald Reagan on the other hand, starting in September 1982 - his 20th month in office - we had 10 consecutive months of double-digit unemployment with November and December 1982 reaching 10.8%. And again, Reagan didn't inherit a recession, he caused a huge though; the biggest since the Great Depression until George W. Bush's Great 2007-2009 Recession.

Approval Rating

Gallup, one of the only reliable polls out there has Barack Obama's approval at 46%. Forty-six percent approve, 46% disapprove. At the very same time in his first term, June 1982, Reagan's approval rating was 45%. And when his failed 'voodoo' economic policies started kicking in and we got the 10 consecutive months of double-digit unemployment because of them, his approval rating plummeted to 35% by January 1983.

Foreign Policy

Ronald Reagan: Our country's original chicken-hearted cut and runner

I have to laugh when I hear the America-haters on the right complain about Barack Obama's resolve in fighting our enemies. He's done far more in our fight against those who attacked us on 9/11 in his short time in office than Bush and Cheney did their entire 7 1/2 years of fooling the sheep and diverting us to where those terrorists never were and have never been.

And Ronald Reagan's foreign policy legacy in his first term was his disgraceful cut and run policy in Beirut in 1983 when Iranian-backed Hezbollah terrorists bombed the barracks and murdered 241 of our servicemen. And what did Reagan do; he cut and ran like a sissy. And worst yet, Reagan not only retreated like a scared little brat, but he turned around and sold those same Hezbollah terrorists 5,000 TOW missiles a few short years later.

Please. No Ronald Reagan-loving revisionist punk can criticize Barack Obama when all he's done is triple our forces and killed more enemy than any Republican since Richard M. Nixon.


Probably the biggest myth about Ronald Reagan is the lie about him cutting taxes. Ronald Reagan raised taxes probably more than any president in history. He just raised them on the middle class, including taxing social security and then gave his millionaire buddies the proceeds. On the other hand, Barack Obama hasn't increased taxes one cent, and in fact, for the ignorant fucking teabaggers, $281 billion of the $787 billion stimulus bill were tax cuts that went to the middle class. But with a little luck, Barack Obama will tax those Reagan millionaire buddies and get some of our social security back. Which reminds me, Reagan was the first president to raid the social security 'trust fund'. And he still tripled our nation's debt.

Wouldn't you think after reading all those facts about Ronald Reagan he would not have had a snowball's chance in hell of getting re-elected in 1984? Well, we are a nation of stupid sheep and he won 49 states believe it or not. So, the sky isn't falling for Barack Obama. After all, he didn't create the type of mess that Reagan did. He's just still trying to fix the same failed, phony-conservative policies that got us into this current mess.

We'll start looking up at the sky when we have 10 consecutive months of double-digit unemployment that is created by Obama and not Bush and when his approval rating hits the mid 30's. And besides, there isn't a single Republican alive that can seriously challenge him. Americans are stupid, but they don't have total amnesia.

The source for historical unemployment - Bureau of Labor Statistics (go here and enter, 'From 1980 To 2010 at the top, 'Change Output Options'. But that's of course, only if you can handle the truth. Which we all know, when it comes to Ronald Reagan, the phony-conservative wingnut and teabagger sheep are not interested in knowing the truth.)