Thursday, August 10, 2006 - Hannity & Colmes
HANNITY: Joining us now is the host of "War Stories" right here on the FOX News Channel, Colonel Oliver North.
So here we have one of the kidnappers, Colonel, he's admitting Iran's training and involvement. The long-range rockets we know — the Iranians admit they provided to Hezbollah. And now we have members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard found among the Hezbollah soldiers killed by the Israelis.
So really, as we've been saying from the beginning, it's Iran by proxy, correct?
OLLIE NORTH, "WAR STORIES" HOST: This should not come as a surprise to anyone. It surely does not come as a surprise to the Israeli Defense Forces. They've known for years that the Iranians were actively engaged.
We should have known it since 1983, when they blew up — this is Hezbollah, again — blew up our U.S. marine barracks in October of '83 in Beirut, and they've been attacking Americans and Israelis ever since....
Of course Fox News and Hannity & Colmes would feature Oliver North on what Iran supplies Hezbollah. Afterall, North sold the Iranians 10,000 TOW missiles right out of the basement of the Reagan White House. And that was AFTER Hezbollah killed our 241 Marines in Beirut!
Some real 'great Americans', there, huh Sean?