Monday, October 11, 2010

Sounds about right to me
"...President Obama's approval rating is actually faring better than Presidents Reagan and Clinton at this point in their terms, according to an analysis of data provided by the Gallup polling organization."
Shouldn't be that surprising; Clinton was being hounded by the Whitewater losers and Reagan just sucked. In fact, our unemployment rate last month was 9.6% and do you know what it was in September 1982, the same month in Reagan's second year in office? It was 10.1%.  October 1982 was 10.4% and in November and December 1982, the unemployment rate was 10.8%. Save it; it was 7.5% when Reagan took office.  Obama, 7.7% and we were losing 779,000 jobs a month

And just think, Reagan didn't have to contend with the worst recession in 80 years like Obama has!  But Clinton had to contend with a bunch of America-haters who would rather see their country fail, just like Obama has.