Sunday, February 11, 2007

The country's biggest Myth

"Our government continues to spend $17 million a day more than the government takes in"- Ronald Reagan, October 1964.

Ronald Reagan said that in his now infamous*, 'A Time for Choosing' speech, when he was running for governor of California. By the time he defeated Jimmy Carter for president in 1980, Carter and the federal government were spending $216 million a day more that the federal government took in.

After Reagan's first year in office, he and his new federal government were spending $351 million more than receiving every single day! Reagan averaged over his entire 8 years in office, every single day he was in the White House, he reigned over a federal government that spent $484 million more than what it took in as revenue.

And you call Ronald Reagan a 'conservative'? You 'so-called' conservatives when asked, "Who is your 'model' for conservatism", you instinctively always answer, every single one of you, Ronald Reagan. That's a myth! And so is your entire principle of being a 'conservative'.

You have to be a backer of Bill Clinton** to make any case of being a fiscal conservative. And most of you don't have the personal integrity to deal with that truth.
Ronald Reagan was a myth. His legacy of being a 'conservative' is a hoax, and I'm too well informed to be one of those who falls for it. Keep visiting here, and you'll get there someday, too.
*"We were told four years ago that 17 million people went to bed hungry each night. Well, that was probably true. They were all on a diet." Ronald Reagan in that same 'A Time for Choosing' speech.