Friday, September 26, 2008

FACT CHECK: McCain takes a beating!

Earmarks: Since Democrats took control of Congress from Republicans in January 2007 they have cut earmarks from $71 billion to $17 billion (or $18 billion). And by the way, $18 billion is what we waste in Iraq every 5-6 weeks! We spend $12-$15 billion a month there, not 10.
Slam Dunk-Barack Obama

Spending and deficits: The independent Tax Policy Center states, "Senator Obama's plan as described by his economic advisers would increase the ten-year cumulative deficit by about $3.6 trillion to $5.9 trillion; Senator McCain's plan would boost it by $5.1 trillion to nearly $7.4 trillion."
Slam Dunk-Barack Obama

'Winning' in Iraq: Gen. Petraeus himself said he did not know that he would ever use the word "victory": "This is not the sort of struggle where you take a hill, plant the flag and go home to a victory parade... it's not war with a simple slogan."
Slam Dunk-Barack Obama

Iraq: Who stupidly took us there in the first place?
“But I believe, Katie, that the Iraqi people will greet us as liberators.” John McCain - NBC, 3/20/03
“It’s clear that the end is very much in sight.” - John McCain -ABC, 4/9/03
“No one has supported President Bush on Iraq more than I have.” - 3/28/08
Slam Dunk-Barack Obama

Afghanistan: Where those who did attack us are. John McCain only called for more troops in Afghanistan in July of this year when he finally jumped on Obama's bandwagon realizing that's what Americans want. In fact, the fucking dumbass forgot about Afghanistan! And, in 2003, the idiot said we can just 'muddle through Afghanistan.' Obama nailed his ass on that one.
Slam Dunk-Barack Obama

Pakistan: Barack Obama absolutely owns John McCain on Pakistan.
Slam Dunk-Barack Obama

Iran: John McCain didn't even know that Iranians were Shiites and that al-Qaeda are Sunni. He's a fucking phony without his cue cards or someone whispering in his ear. He has zero credibility on that region.
Slam Dunk-Barack Obama

Henry Kissinger: "One should be prepared to negotiate, and I think we should be prepared to negotiate about Iran." "I've been in semi-private, totally private talks with Iranians," he said. "They've had put before them approaches that with a little flexibility on their part would, in my view, surely lead to negotiations."
Slam Dunk-Barack Obama

Russia: John McCain and Sarah Palin would go to war with Russia to defend Georgia? Fucking idiots! And, Georgia started that battle and got their asses kicked and they are not our problem! No more warmongering fools in the White House.
Slam Dunk-Barack Obama

Offshore drilling: McCain is an absolute idiot on offshore drilling. The Energy Information Agency (EIA) states uneqivocally that all new offshore drilling will generate 1%, or 200,000 barrels out of 21 miilion we use every single day here in the U.S. And that wouldn't happen until 2030! Fools who think we can drill ourselves out of this are just that, fools!
Slam Dunk-Barack Obama

Veterans: John McCain has a despicable record on supporting veterans voting against them every single chance he gets. He's a liar and we veterans aren't going to fall for it. We know how he has voted against us no matter how many of you dumbasses swallow it.
Slam Dunk-Barack Obama

You got your ass kicked McSame!

Addendum: When Charles the Kraut-hammer says 'it was a draw' you know McBush got his ass kicked!