This country has never seen a bigger group of losers.
Within three months after 9/11, in December 2001, we had bin Laden and al-Qaeda trapped like rats at Tora Bora but George Bush and his cronies had other ideas for Gen. Tommy Franks. Bringing to justice those who attacked us would have to play second fiddle to something they were far more interested in.
John McCain's stated policy on avenging 9/11 when our country really needed his leadership back in 2003 was, 'we can "muddle through" in Afghanistan', and that, 'the conflict there takes a back seat in importance to Iraq'.
McCain has of course ignored bin Laden and Afghanistan. It was only a couple of months ago he said that Iraq was our 'first major conflict after 9/11'. That's a pretty unbelievable statement from someone who claims foreign policy to be his strong suit. He's actually more incompetent than George Bush; if that's even possible.
If you didn't know better, listening to John McCain today you would think he had gotten it right on Iraq. Unfortunately for him, there are transcripts that document the truth.
This should be a day of remembrance. We should be remembering those who died on 9/11/2001. But we also need to remember the failures of men like George W. Bush and John McCain, who forgot a long time ago.