Questions arise about McCain's leadership qualities
John McCain's sudden flip-flop on Afghanistan is another clear example of 'intelligence' trumping 'experience'. Well, experience coupled with 'low' intelligence, that is.Just last week, John McCain was calling for the U.S.'s NATO allies to increase their troop presence in Afghanistan and was resisting calls for more U.S. troops there. “I would like to have our allies make a bigger commitment, both in personnel and other ways,” McCain said in Portsmouth, Ohio. “I’d like to hear from our military leaders, our chairman of the joint chiefs, as well as the military commanders there.”
... This was quite a contrast from Obama, who since August 2007 has been calling for at least two additional U.S. brigades in Afghanistan.
A contrast, that is … until today.
McCain, and Bush for that matter, now agree with Obama and will not only follow his lead in reducing our troops in Iraq, but also to do what Obama has called for many times and that's to transfer those troops to Afghanistan. Where they should have always been in the first place.
The real leadership is staring you squarely in the face this time, America. Let's hope you're up to making the right decision this time.
Barack Obama is the leader out of this group. He states his policies, Bush, McCain and wingnuts criticize him, and then they comically adopt his same policy shortly thereafter.
Pay attention. You have a chance to get it right this time.