Monday, June 16, 2008

Bush Adopts Obama's Iran Strategy, too!

US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said on Sunday that the US administration was giving priority to solving its row with Iran over its nuclear programme through diplomatic channels.

"We have made very clear, and the president has made very clear that, while taking no option off the table, the US policy is that this can work diplomatically," Rice said during a visit to Israel.
Once again Barack Obama shows his superior leadership qualities.

After Bush, Cheney, McCain and all the other ignorant wingnuts deplored Obama for his stated policy of dealing with Iran diplomatically our Secretary of State, Ms. Condi Rice, has now admitted that Mr. Obama was clearly correct and that the Bush administration will now follow his advice and go that route.

Is there any doubt who should lead this country, people? Barack Obama is already doing it so we might as well give him the job!