That's nice -- George 'approved of Mr. Obama’s travels'. Like who cares what that bumbling fool approves of?Mr. Obama plans to make his first overseas trip as a presidential candidate at the end of the week, visiting Iraq and Afghanistan with two like-minded senators, Jack Reed, Democrat of Rhode Island, and Chuck Hagel, Republican of Nebraska. Mr. Obama, an Illinois Democrat, will then move on to Jordan, Israel, the Palestinian territories, Germany, France and England.
In a news conference this morning, [George W] Bush approved of Mr. Obama’s travels, saying it would help him understand the realities on the ground, and he encouraged him to listen intently to the generals in charge of American operations.
And he encouraged Obama to 'listen intently to the generals'?
I assume Bush means 'listen' a little more 'intently' than he did to, Gen. Shinseki, Gen. Casey, Gen. Abizaid, Gen. Schoomaker, Gen. Pace, Lt. Gen. Sanchez, Maj. Gen. Taguba, Maj. Gen. Batiste, Maj. Gen. Eaton, Admiral Michael G. Mullen or, my favorite, the man who had the gonads to tell Petraeus to his face that he was an 'ass kissing little chickenshit', and taught me the word 'Sycophant' all at the same time, the Honorable Warrior, Admiral William Fallon.
Bush didn't listen to those generals and admirals after we invaded just as he didn't listen to the intelligence agenices before we invaded..
I'm sure Barack Obama will be much more attentive to the generals than Bush was. Who wouldn't be? ... Well, besides John McCain.