“A different choice was made by the President,” Powell answered. “The President received advice from his military advisers last fall that said, do not send more troops.The poor 'conservatives' (sic) ... Their darling poster boy is telling the truth about the 'Commander Guy' and his lying nonsense about 'listening to the Generals'.
“Gen. [John] Abizaid went before the Congress, the commander of Central Command, and said he had consulted with all his division commanders in Iraq and all of the senior commanders, and none of them wanted to send additional troops.
“They thought the strategy at that point should be to put the burden on the Iraqis to resolve what I call a civil war.” - Colin Powell
It's hilarious to watch and hear all the backpedaling being done by all of the same people who thought Colin Powell was all it not so long ago.
They've unanimously turned against the General and for what? For finally telling the truth!
Now that's your typical so-called 'conservative'. Lie and cheat at the detriment of your country but don't ever question a fellow Republican.