"Nearing the end of an eight-day trip, Bush got a hero's reception in this desperately poor country ... Cannons boomed salutes from mountains overlooking the capital. Huge banners proclaimed "Proud to be Partners," and billboards read "President Bush in Albania Making History."Since Albania is the only country left in the world that views George Bush favorably, maybe we could trade our village idiot for a few head of cattle, or whatever Albanians would have of mediocre value.
At home, Bush's job approval rating stands at its all-time low. But here, Prime Minister Sali Berisha said Bush was Albania's "greatest and most distinguished guest we have ever had in all times."
Let him screw up Albania like he's screwed up our country. We'll see how long that cheering lasts.
And oh yeah, by the way, someone needs to tell the Albanians that Bush opposed our involvement in Kosovo - where 90% of the population is ethnic Albanian - so their gratitude is actually owed to Bill Clinton's and N.A.T.O's policies, not Bush's.
If Kosovo had been left up to George Bush, those Kosovars would have been exterminated by the Serbs and there wouldn't be a Kosovo.
But I guess we shouldn't tell them that - They might give us less cattle.
The Post says, "for example, (Bush) was confronted with a difference of views over whether the United States should take military action to protect the ethnic Albanian population of Kosovo. Zakheim was against it. Wolfowitz was for it. In the end, swayed by arguments that the crisis threatened European stability, Bush reluctantly backed Clinton's decision to intervene." (Washington Post, 11/19/99)As I said, if it had been up to Bush, (and a majority of Congressional Republicans) there would have been genocide in Kosovo.
"I do need somebody to tell me where Kosovo is. I know how to ask," Bush said. Bush also conceded that his foreign policy experience was limited to Mexico and that Kosovo was "not even on the radar screen." (New York Times, 3/15/99)
Save your applause Albanians. You have the wrong Administration.
But then of course, so do we.