Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Are Americans starting to wake up?

Help could be on the way
The economic crisis and a well-received debate performance have given presidential candidate Barack Obama a sizable lead in the three critical swing states of Pennsylvania, Ohio and Florida, according to a new poll Wednesday.

Obama now has the backing of at least 50% of the voters in all three states, Quinnipiac University said, with the senator from Illinois surging 15 points in Florida -- ground zero in the tight 2000 election -- in the relatively short span of 20 days....
Florida - Obama 51% - McCain 43%
Ohio - Obama 50% - McCain 42%
Pennsylvania - Obama 54% - McCain 39%

This is encouraging for those of us who are smart enough to know what it's going to take to get this country back on track.

I don't pay any attention to national polls, but these individual state polls are good news. If Obama can maintain a 8-10% point lead in Florida and Ohio going into election day he may be able to squeak out a 1-2% win.

It's amazing to me that it took Obama kicking McGrampy's ass in last Friday's debate for people to finally get it.