Sunday, September 13, 2009

I have a record that I can reference

I'm not very smart. But compared to some people I'm a fucking genius.

I've had three blogs. That may be where 'not very smart' pertains.

But one thing that I can always do with any of those three blogs is reference to something I said at some point before now. That's actually the reason why I blog.

So I do have a record. And when you have a record that you have been so consistent and so correct on, you always enjoy referencing back to it. I know you've noticed, that happens a lot on 'done that'. In fact, I did it several times in
my last post.

But there is nothing that I have been more consistent - and right - about than the 'wars' in Afghanistan and Iraq. That is very easy to prove.

My very
first post ever was on 6/18/05. My record on both Afghanistan and Iraq was made very clear just five days later in a post, 'Lies about the recent past'.

And just for the record; I didn't know who Barack Obama was in June 2005. And I have whole-heartedly supported our mission in Afghanistan since 9/11/01 and have been adamantly and persistently opposed to our invasion of Iraq since before 3/19/03. One of those 'references' was used just yesterday.

I don't support a 'war' in Afghanistan. What I do support is the pursuit of Osama bin Laden and the al-Qaeda scumbags who were involved in 9/11. No one has been more consistent on that and my record has been very, very clear,
regardless of who is President.

Absolutely no one has been more consistent or correct on our so-called 'war on terror' than me. There may be some who are tied, if they too are batting 1000., but no one as been more.

If you did a simple search on the word 'Afghanistan' on my three blogs you would find a total of 264 blog posts. I defy anyone to match that. In fact, I defy anyone to show just one-fourth of that. It's not a subject I've backed away from and I've been consistently right for the last eight years and two days.

I do have a record. And when it comes to being right on Afghanistan and Iraq it is impeccable. If you ever supported the now unequivocally proven disastrous invasion of Iraq, then you got it terribly wrong on Afghanistan. You've been a big part of the problem. That's undeniable.

Thanks are owed to the natural selection process that makes some men cart boys and some men leaders. You waste 6 1/2 years, 4,343 lives and two trillion dollars babysitting Iraqis that were never a threat while those who attacked us and those who protected them regrouped and became stronger. Yeah, stick to checkers.

And answer me this simple question; do 'they' ever reference any of their previous posts? No, they can't - they would be laughingly embarrassed and exposed for the fools they've been.

Consistency and ethics, or just the basic moral character that's needed to pursue truth and accuracy is amazingly not something that the whiny wingnut chickenshit has ever strived for. And of course, I have been pointing out that indisputable fact since the very first post I ever wrote.

I have a record.