...and sheep follow
Al Qaeda Chiefs Are Seen to Regain PowerFive and half years after 9/11 and Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahri are still mocking us and preparing for another spring offensive.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 18 — Senior leaders of Al Qaeda operating from Pakistan have re-established significant control over their once-battered worldwide terror network and over the past year have set up a band of training camps in the tribal regions near the Afghan border, according to American intelligence and counterterrorism officials.
American officials said there was mounting evidence that Osama bin Laden and his deputy, Ayman al-Zawahri, had been steadily building an operations hub in the mountainous Pakistani tribal area of North Waziristan. Until recently, the Bush administration had described Mr. bin Laden and Mr. Zawahri as detached from their followers and cut off from operational control of Al Qaeda.
The United States has also identified several new Qaeda compounds in North Waziristan, including one that officials said might be training operatives for strikes against targets beyond Afghanistan.
Do you think they would still be able do that if we hadn't diverted 150,000 troops away from the real war on terror and into a country that was never a threat to us or had anything to do with the attack on 9/11?
This is what happens when you have incompetent leadership and a nation of sheepish fools too dumb to have known better.
NY Times