Saturday, February 03, 2007

Democrats force Bush to separate wars

The Bush administration will ask for another $100 billion for military and diplomatic operations in Iraq and Afghanistan this year and seek $145 billion for 2008, a senior administration official said Friday.

Bowing to pressure from Congress, the administration will also break down the $145 billion request for next year into detailed form.

For 2009, the White House assumes spending will be down to $50 billion, with no funding planned beyond then in hopes the war in Iraq will have wound down.
Faux News
After four years of Bush getting away with lumping the real 'War on Terror' in Afghanistan with his disastrous diversion into Iraq, the new Democratic Congress will now finally make him separate the two when requesting new 2008 funding.

We already know we are wasting $10 billion a month in Iraq and with the 'escalation' now of 40,000-50,000 more troops, the entire $145 billion, or more, will be spent in Iraq alone in FY2008. That's $400 million being wasted every day on a war that served no purpose, but to weaken us as a nation.