Friday, February 02, 2007

When they say, "the average"

Once again I heard it repeated. This time by the little twerp, Tucker Carlson. "George W. Bush has virtually the same average unemployment rate as Bill Clinton did during in his eight years in office".

You know, that's factually a true statement; over the 96 months that Clinton was in office, unemployment averaged 5.2%. In the first 72 months of office for George W. Bush, through 12/31/06, it's been, 5.3%. It's factually true, but also misleading.

The day Bill Clinton was elected President in November 1992, unemployment was at 7.5%. The day George W. Bush was elected President in November 2000, unemployment was 3.9%.

If you want to talk about 'averages', you need to know the details before spouting off. Averages don't mean squat unless you do.

Tucker Carlson, and other revisionist mouthpieces on the right, remind me of the old adage, "Figures lie and Liars Figure" .