Now that really pisses me off!

First of all, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed should be dead. He has confessed - and not just during one of the 183 times he was waterboarded - but defiantly in open court. He's proud of his involvement in 9/11. But if we haven't executed his ass yet, he certainly shouldn't be allowed to sit there posing like he's some fucking Omar Sharif and sending photos home to his family and terrorists fans! Shave that motherfucker's head so we can wire him up!
... About breeding those little idiots

There are no civilians in Afghanistan!
GANJGAL, Afghanistan — We walked into a trap, a killing zone of relentless gunfire and rocket barrages from Afghan insurgents hidden in the mountainsides and in a fortress-like village where women and children were replenishing their ammunition. ...Four U.S. Marines were killed Tuesday - Several U.S. officers said they suspected that the insurgents had been tipped off by sympathizers in the local Afghan security forces or by the village elders...
I don't want to hear any more whining about goddamn civilians in Afghanistan. Gen's Petraeus and McChrystal have us acting like boy scouts over there and they reward us with an ambush. We shouldn't be over there to win hearts and minds. We should be there to kill bin Laden and al-Qaeda and if the 'sympathizers' and 'village elders' are tipping them off and women and children are 'replenishing their ammunition', then they are not 'civilians', they are fucking targets!

[From 'fucking targets'!! to, 'The Runaway' ... I feel like George Carlin ... The End Zone ... Go home ...]
It's the revenue more than the spending
[August] marked the 16th consecutive month that revenues have been lower than the previous year, a string that reflects how much the recession, which began in December 2007, has cut into personal income and corporate taxes. Spending in August totaled $256.9 billion, down 4.5 percent from the year before. However, that comparison was misleading because the deficit last month was lowered by timing shifts which saw some payments shifted into July because Aug. 1 fell on a Saturday. Primarily because of the timing shifts, last month's deficit was 0.5 percent lower than in August 2008.
The biggest negative effect from The Great Bush Recession of 2007-2009 has been the huge decline in revenue. It was less in 2008 than it was in 2007 and it will be an astounding $414 billion less (-20.2%!) this year than last. And as you can see, the deficit was less this August than last. Why didn't they have a 'tea party' last year? Because they're ignorant, lame-ass and phony fiscal (sic) conservatives who just can't stand the thought of a Black guy being their President, that's why.

And he's a self-hating veteran too
A Republican voting against veterans is not unusual. If you remember, that phony despicable piece of shit John McCain has spent his entire career voting against veterans. The fucking hypocrites are shameless.
Do you mean Iraqis don't like George?

'Greeted as liberators'? You would think Iraqis would appreciate George Bush's foolish invasion. It did after all let them install a Shi'ite government that's now a very close ally of their friendly neighbor Iran. ...But the sheep didn't see it coming. Only about 20% of us did.
And how the sheep stalled victory
Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff admits the failures

The sad reality of a country too dumb to know better. We ignored our real enemy and allowed Bush and his accomplices to lie and lead us into a needless and $2 trillion blunder that destroyed just about everything.
The smartest Senator in the U.S.
They had nothing to do with it, asshole
For sport, they rolled through the streets of Baghdad hurling frozen oranges and water bottles at civilians and nearby vehicles, trying to smash windshields and injure bystanders. Convoying through the city in armored vehicles, the contractors fired their weapons indiscriminately. One member of the Blackwater security team known as Raven 23 regularly bragged about his body count and viewed killing Iraqis as "payback for 9/11."
Raven 23 should be serving life in Leavenworth.

Another bad week for Repugnants
GOP ex-lawmaker found wounded after girlfriend's death
LEXINGTON, Ky. — Hours after his former fiancee was found shot to death in Lexington, former gubernatorial candidate Steve Nunn slit his wrists in a Hart County cemetery, according to Kentucky State Police.
Assemblyman resigns after his sex comments are broadcast
An Orange County lawmaker who inadvertently broadcast explicit remarks about his sexual conquests over an open microphone abruptly resigned from office Wednesday after legislative leaders stripped him of his committee posts and launched an ethics probe of his actions. Assemblyman Michael Duvall (R-Yorba Linda), whose remarks were videotaped in July during a lull in a Sacramento hearing, stepped down less than 24 hours after the tape spread online Tuesday night. In the video, the married family-values crusader from Yorba Linda talks in graphic detail about women he said he slept with ...
The family-values Party had another bad week.
Jesus, Fox and Hooters
In Britain, Rupert Murdoch’s “The Sun” has “Page Three Girls” – a clever use of well endowed women to sell newspapers. In New York City, Rupert Murdoch’s “Fox&Friends” provides the media “exposure” to sell a “family” show that allows viewers to affirm their Christian outrage against a secular society while oogling Hooters Girls. It’s strange – there seems to be a contradiction between the two;
You know, most wingnuts I know do laughingly praise God and Hooter Girls at the same time. After all, they major in hypocrisy.

Let me help you out there a little
Our federal debt will be $11.9 trillion when FY09 ends September 30. It's confusing sometimes when you see, "Debt Held by the Public" = $7.6 trillion and you probably wonder what the other $4.3 trillion is. Well, 'we' owe that other $4.3 trillion to 'ourselves'. It's $2.5 trillion 'we' borrowed from 'our' Social Security 'trust' and $1.8 trillion that's due to, 'Mainly the Civil Service Retirement, Military Retirement, Medicare, and Unemployment Insurance Trust Funds'. Of the $2.5 trillion borrowed from Social Security, George W. Bush 'borrowed' over $1.3 trillion, or 53% of it in his miserable eight year reign. Clinton, Bush Sr., Reagan and Nixon borrowed the rest. Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter never borrowed a dime from social security. In fact, Ford 'added' a few billion to it and Carter kicked in an additional $12.5 billion. The 'Debt Held by the Public' is all federal debt held by states, corporations, individuals, and foreign governments. Of that $7.6 trillion, about $3.1 trillion is 'external' or foreign debt. We 'owe' China $740 billion, Japan $635 billion and even Russia has $120 billion and Mexico $35 billion 'invested' in us.
And as you know, Republicans were generally running things when we were racking up that debt.
You're welcome. Go Wolverines!