Well, where were these ignorant bastards when the actual damage was being done by Ronald Reagan and the two Bush's? They could actually claim a little credibility if they had ever shown any consistency. But that's an awful lot to ask of a wingnut.
I hope you enjoy that beautiful graph above, which by the way backs precisely what I have been saying for years; it's Republicans and their fiscal policies that have given us our entire national debt with the exception of what is left over from World War II. Of course, as was so correctly pointed out the other day, Barack Obama will add about $255 billion (of the total $1.6 trillion) this year. But that unfortunately was needed to help pull us out of the Great Bush Recession of 2007-2009.
So teabaggers, get a life. You phony bastards are too late to help and your previous votes - even those for your so-called 'conservative' hero, Ronald Reagan - is what gave us our $11.8 trillion debt. You can't deny that. Well, you can, but you don't have the facts on your side. But I sure do.