Sunday, July 12, 2009

A real Commander-in-Chief in charge
Pakistan says Taliban leader will talk to U.S.
(CNN) -- Pakistan's military has declared that not only is it in contact with Afghan Taliban leader Mullah Mohammed Omar but that it can bring him and other commanders to the negotiating table with the United States. The acknowledgment of on-going communication with Taliban forces using sanctuary in Pakistan to launch military strikes against U.S. troops in neighboring Afghanistan is part of a new diplomatic overture to help the Obama administration find an end to the long-running conflict.

The amazing thing about this; Barack Obama has been leading the charge on this for two years now. And you all remember the ignorant, whiny wingnuts yelping like little babies with a bad case of diaper rash when he first announced it, too, don't you?

Finally, killing the real enemy
U.S. Drones have al Qaeda on the run(CBS) It's not often the enemy tells you something you're doing - strikes by CIA drones against al Qaeda sanctuaries in Pakistan - is working. But in this document posted on the Web, a top al Qaeda commander writes: "The harm is alarming. The matter is very grave." Both senior government officials and outside experts say it is an extraordinary confession, reports CBS News correspondent David Martin. "It exposes for the first time a level of paranoia and a level of self-consciousness and a lack of confidence in al Qaeda's leadership in their propaganda that we just haven't seen up until now," said Nicholas Schmidle, the author of "To Live or to Perish Forever: Two Tumultuous Years in Pakistan." In the past year, the CIA has flown more than 50 drone strikes in Pakistan, killing half of al Qaeda's top leaders and hundreds of its fighters.

'In the past year'? That's right, George 'The Miserable Failure' Bush wasn't fighting our real enemy until Barack Obama started embarrassing his stupid ass!

Well, no shit!
Only Six Percent Of Scientists Are Republicans
A new study by the Pew Research Center finds that the GOP is alienating scientists to a startling degree. Only six percent of America's scientists identify themselves as Republicans; fifty-five percent call themselves Democrats. By comparison, 23 percent of the overall public considers itself Republican, while 35 percent say they're Democrats.

Scientists, by their very nature, are well-educated, astute and informed, so of course they vote Democratic. What's surprising is that there are 6% who actually claim to be part of the Stupid Party.

Another Bush Legacy
US slips, China soars in Fortune company rankings

WASHINGTON (AFP)--The number of U.S. businesses featured in the annual Fortune 500 list of top global companies fell to lowest level ever, the business magazine said, while more Chinese entries appeared than ever before.

He doubled the debt, left us with a $1.4 trillion deficit and the deepest recession since the 1930's and did far more for China than our country. Hey, thanks wingnuts!

And 70% of the Sheep support her ...
In 2006, the Eagle Forum Alaska sent a questionnaire to all the state’s gubernatorial candidates, including Sarah Palin (R). From Palin’s response about the Pledge of Allegiance:
11. Are you offended by the phrase “Under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance? Why or why not?
Sarah Palin: Not on your life. If it was good enough for the founding fathers, its good enough for me and I’ll fight in defense of our Pledge of Allegiance.

Most people with the aptitude of a 5th grader are aware that 'Under God' wasn't added to the Pledge of Allegiance until 1954.

About their domestic spying program ...
Most of the intelligence leads generated under what was known as the “President’s Surveillance Program,” which began shortly after 9/11, did not have any connection to terrorism, the report said. Moreover, the information produced was of “limited” value to intelligence officials.

Most of their illegal wiretapping was not only useless, but it also didn't have anything to do with terrorism? As Benjamin Franklin said, "Anyone who trades liberty for security deserves neither liberty nor security." The weak and frightened wingnuts don't deserve it either, but they will get it, only because of us.

‘Haunted’ hotel scares MLB teams
The Pfister is Milwaukee's most regal address, having hosted every U.S. president since William McKinley in the 1890s and scores of celebrities who can take a self-guided tour of the hotel's Victorian art collection. Today, it's the place to stay for upscale business travelers and out-of-town visitors, including many Major League Baseball teams. MLB commissioner Bud Selig, from Milwaukee, is a frequent visitor. But some players don't care for the 116-year-old hotel's posh accommodations and reputation for privacy. They swear it's haunted.

I spent a couple of nights at the Pfister last year. Beautiful, historic and almost like a museum with its art collection. Didn't see or hear any ghosts, though.

Not only qualified, but impartial, too
WASHINGTON — The nation's lawyers and law enforcement leaders gave Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor ringing endorsements Tuesday, even as Republicans tried to rally opposition. With Sotomayor's Senate confirmation hearing less than a week away, the American Bar Association announced that the 54-year-old appellate judge is "well qualified" to serve on the nation's highest court. The unanimous recommendation is the association's highest grade for a potential judge. ... Separately, the Fraternal Order of Police and other law-enforcement organizations convened to reiterate their support for Sotomayor. The law enforcement endorsements coincided with the release of a Senate Judiciary Committee study showing that as an appellate judge, Sotomayor voted to affirm 92 percent of the criminal convictions that came before her.

That's a helluva lot more than you can say for Scalia or Thomas, you are neither qualified or impartial.

Now that's 'change'
"Now keep in mind — I want to be very careful — Africa is a continent, not a country ..."

Unlike George W. or Sarah W.- redux, who both ignorantly thought Africa was a country.