Monday, July 13, 2009

Is the Stimulus working?
"Job losses from April to June averaged 436,000 per month, compared with losses averaging 670,000 per month from November to March. Since the recession began in December 2007, payroll employment has fallen by 6.5 million." - Bureau of Labor Statistics
President Obama signed the stimulus package on February 17. Are the American people that dumb to think that we can dig out of the Bush Recession, the worst recession, by far, in the last 70 years, overnight?

In Bush's last month in office we lost 741,000 jobs.

Bush not only left us with his recession, but he also left us with a $1.4 trillion budget deficit, two wars - one he needlessly started that will end up costing us $3 trillion, and the other he totally neglected - a devastated financial, insurance and home mortgage sector, a $1.5 trillion trade deficit, a severely deflated dollar, and, he more than doubled our debt.

And the fools really think Obama can turn that around in six months? Most of them aren’t that stupid. They’re just so intellectually dishonest that they can’t admit the obvious; their Boy George totally fucked this country!