Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Isn't that just what you would expect?

Racist Redneck Inbred Leads Their Questioning
"Senator Sessions then said he feared Judge Sotomayor could not be impartial and that she would let her prejudices affect her judicial decision making."

Jefferson Beauregard Sessions, the racist redneck Alabama senator and the top-ranking Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee, who once told a colleague that he, "used to think the Ku Klux Klan were OK" until he found out some of them were "pot smokers", is questioning Sonia Sotomayor about being prejudice?

You're not surprised are you?

After all, only in the phony-conservative Republican Party could one lead their party in prayer one day and admit to banging his chief of staff's wife the next day.

Only the rightwing, the phony conservatives, could claim with a straight-face to be conservative while the last three of them who served in the White House gave us 96.5% of our $11.6 trillion debt.

No one should be surprised that the party that claims to be God's Party - whose leading voice is a three time divorced, drug-addicted pedophile - would have the audacity to have a despicable racist redneck question some one on racism.

They are simply shameless. But the good news is; more than 70% of the country is now well aware of it.