Friday, June 05, 2009

A lesson for the liars and chickenshits
“I think the budgets he [Obama] submitted are way out of whack,” Cheney told CNBC’s Larry Kudlow in an interview. “I think what it does not only to the short-term deficit but long-term debt situation is very objectionable.”

The administration’s deficit for the current budget year is expected to hit a record $1.8 trillion, mainly due to the government’s efforts to rescue the country from its current recession, such as the Wall Street bailout and the stimulus package.
The U.S. federal government's budgets run from October 1 to September 30. Just as all previous federal budgets, this year's budget period began on October 1, 2008 and ends September 30, 2009.

Every four years a President is sworn in on January 20. This year was no different: Barack Hussein Obama took office on January 20.

On January 7 of this year, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) announced that the current year's deficit would reach $1.2 trillion.

Do you get that? Does that register with you, dimwits? Two weeks BEFORE Obama took office the 2009 deficit was at $1.2 trillion. And, Bush is responsible for far more than $1.2 trillion of that projected $1.8 trillion deficit.

You see, the Bush administration lied about a whole lot more than just Iraq. In fact they lied about almost everything but when it came to hiding the real cost of their disastrous two terms, they were masters of deceit.

Not included in Bush's eight straight record budget deficits, including this year's $1.8 trillion, were the costs of the War in Afghanistan and the Iraq Invasion and Occupation. When the CBO predicted Bush's $1.2 trillion 2009 deficit two weeks BEFORE Obama took office, it didn't include the $200+ billion allocated for Afghanistan and Iraq, but it is now part of the adjusted $1.8 trillion.

That couple hundred billion in war spending is now included in the budget because our new president won't play tricks or gimmicks. That is, at a minimum, $1.4 of the $1.8 trillion 'current year' deficit, incurred before Barack Obama even took office.

So chickenshit, when you keep regurgitating the lie that Obama 'quadrupled' spending, just realize that we who know the facts - and who actually think they're important - are just reminded of how fucking stupid you really are.