Could you imagine Bush giving that speech?

The victims were innocent men, women and children from America and many other nations who had done nothing to harm anybody. And yet al-Qaida chose to ruthlessly murder these people, claimed credit for the attack, and even now states their determination to kill on a massive scale. They have affiliates in many countries and are trying to expand their reach.
These are not opinions to be debated. These are facts to be dealt with."
"... Now, let me also address the issue of Iraq. Unlike Afghanistan, Iraq was a war of choice that provoked strong differences in my country and around the world..."
[Knocked it out of the park! Telling it exactly the way it is. You know that's true when Limbaugh and bin Laden start imitating each other.]
And, for all of you who didn't hear or read the speech, but who will now spew the bullshit Fox News will tell you of how Obama is throwing Israel under the bus, you might want to read this part of the speech first;
"America's strong bonds with Israel are well-known. This bond is unbreakable. It is based upon cultural and historical ties and the recognition that the aspiration for a Jewish homeland is rooted in a tragic history that cannot be denied."Maybe she is a racist?

[In 2002 Sotomayor was the dissenting opinion in a case where a white, racist and anti-Semitic NY City cop was fired for distributing white supremacist material. She went with the First Amendment over all that pent-up reverse racism, I guess. Either that or she likes racist white cops.]
A lesson for the liars and chickenshits
“I think the budgets he [Obama] submitted are way out of whack,” Cheney told CNBC’s Larry Kudlow in an interview. “I think what it does not only to the short-term deficit but long-term debt situation is very objectionable.”The U.S. federal government's budgets run from October 1 to September 30. Just as all previous federal budgets, this year's budget period began on October 1, 2008 and ends September 30, 2009.
The administration’s deficit for the current budget year is expected to hit a record $1.8 trillion, mainly due to the government’s efforts to rescue the country from its current recession, such as the Wall Street bailout and the stimulus package.
Every four years a President is sworn in on January 20. This year was no different: Barack Hussein Obama took office on January 20.
On January 7 of this year, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) announced that the current year's deficit would reach $1.2 trillion.
Do you get that? Does that register with you, dimwits? Two weeks BEFORE Obama took office the 2009 deficit was at $1.2 trillion. And, Bush is responsible for far more than $1.2 trillion of that projected $1.8 trillion deficit.
You see, the Bush administration lied about a whole lot more than just Iraq. In fact they lied about almost everything but when it came to hiding the real cost of their disastrous two terms, they were masters of deceit.
Not included in Bush's eight straight record budget deficits, including this year's $1.8 trillion, were the costs of the War in Afghanistan and the Iraq Invasion and Occupation. When the CBO predicted Bush's $1.2 trillion 2009 deficit two weeks BEFORE Obama took office, it didn't include the $200+ billion allocated for Afghanistan and Iraq, but it is now part of the adjusted $1.8 trillion.
That couple hundred billion in war spending is now included in the budget because our new president won't play tricks or gimmicks. That is, at a minimum, $1.4 of the $1.8 trillion 'current year' deficit, incurred before Barack Obama even took office.
So chickenshit, when you keep regurgitating the lie that Obama 'quadrupled' spending, just realize that we who know the facts - and who actually think they're important - are just reminded of how fucking stupid you really are.
Well no shit!

[After 8 years of flat-out lying, Cheney finally admits what was obvious to anyone with a shred of common sense. Now what's going to happen? Will all the sheep who swallowed apologize for being so weak and ignorant and costing us so much? Yeah right.]
And the prick didn't 'keep us safe' either
CHENEY: You know, Dick Clarke. Dick Clarke, who was the head of the counterrorism program in the run-up to 9/11. He obviously missed it. The fact is that we did what we felt we had to do, and if I had to do it all over again, I would do exactly the same thing.
When the moderator reminded Cheney that Clarke had repeatedly warned the administration about al Qaeda’s determination to attack the U.S., Cheney snarkily replied, “That’s not my recollection, but I haven’t read his book.” In fact, it was Cheney who “missed” the warning signs, not Clarke. New York Times reporter Philip Shenon’s book, “The Commission: The Uncensored History of the 9/11 Investigation,” reprinted some of Clarke’s emphatic e-mails warning the Bush administration of the al Qaeda threat throughout 2001:
“Bin Ladin Public Profile May Presage Attack” (May 3)[And of course, the undisputed historical record shows that Bush, Cheney and Rice all ignored Richard Clarke right from day one. Cheney did NOT 'keep us safe'. In fact, he and his boss's incompetence did the opposite.]
“Terrorist Groups Said Co-operating on US Hostage Plot” (May 23)
“Bin Ladin’s Networks’ Plans Advancing” (May 26)
“Bin Ladin Attacks May Be Imminent” (June 23)
“Bin Ladin and Associates Making Near-Term Threats” (June 25)
“Bin Ladin Planning High-Profile Attacks” (June 30)
“Planning for Bin Ladin Attacks Continues, Despite Delays” (July 2)
Petraeus not toeing the party line ...
'We violated the Geneva Conventions'
The head of the US Central Command, General David Petraeus, said Friday that the US had violated the Geneva Conventions in a stunning admission from President Bush’s onetime top general in Iraq that the US may have violated international law. “When we have taken steps that have violated the Geneva Conventions we rightly have been criticized, so as we move forward I think it’s important to again live our values, to live the agreements that we have made in the international justice arena and to practice those,” Gen. Petraeus said on Fox News Friday afternoon.
It didn't save lives, it cost lives
"The number of U.S. soldiers who have died because of our torture policy will never be definitively known, but it is fair to say that it is close to the number of lives lost on Sept. 11, 2001. How anyone can say that torture keeps Americans safe is beyond me — unless you don’t count American soldiers as Americans." - Former U.S. Air Force interrogator Matthew Alexander
And if you don't believe Alexander ...
"Gitmo has caused us problems, there’s no question about it. I oversee a region in which the existence of Gitmo has indeed been used by the enemy against us. We have not been without missteps or mistakes in our activities since 9/11. And again, Gitmo is a lingering reminder for the use of some in that regard."
General David Petraeus-5/29/09
Those who Kerry and Murtha spoke of
A jury in Kentucky sentenced a 24-year-old former soldier to life in prison without parole on Thursday for raping a 14-year-old Iraqi girl and murdering her, her parents and a younger sister in Iraq. ... At least four other soldiers have pleaded guilty or were convicted in military courts for their roles in the rape and murders. While most received long prison terms, none are facing the death penalty, and all will be eligible for parole in 10 years or less.
[Actually, John Murtha spoke of some other punks who murdered, in 'cold blood', 24 other innocent civilians. And those thugs got off.]
Sorry Jerome, #'s 2-6 are Murder One

Damn, you can't stand over a mortally wounded, unconscious guy and pump five bullets into him; the threat was over. But, you won't get 12 people to agree with that.]
Way too much class
WASHINGTON — President Obama announced on Tuesday that he would nominate Representative John M. McHugh of upstate New York, the senior Republican on the House Armed Services Committee, to be the next secretary of the Army. The nomination will give Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates, a holdover from the Bush administration, a Republican voice at the Pentagon.
[They're stunned. They don't know what the fuck to think.]
The General knows Cheney's full of shit

[Let all of the pathetic wingnut chickenhawks agree with Cheney. After all, he's one of them. I'll go with Gen. Jones.]
Obama cut defense spending?

[Some fool the other day tried to tell me that Obama was cutting defense spending. He heard it from Fox News. Yeah, he enjoyed his crow.]
What's this 'empathy' bullshit?

A Justice shouldn't use life experiences?
"Senator, I tried to in my opening statement, I tried to provide a little picture of who I am as a human being and how my background and my experiences have shaped me and brought me to this point. ... And that's why I went into that in my opening statement. Because when a case comes before me involving, let's say, someone who is an immigrant -- and we get an awful lot of immigration cases and naturalization cases -- I can't help but think of my own ancestors, because it wasn't that long ago when they were in that position." [...] - Sam Alito
[Only if you're a white immigrant. We can all relate to that.]
What other proof do you need?

[The lying little prick and unabashed traitor was caught lying once again.]

'I am not a champion of lost causes, but of causes not yet won.’
-Norman Thomas
Oh My God, Norman Thomas was a Socialist!??!
So was Jesus ...