Introducing the 'Peppy Pork Princess'
Good morning ladies and gentlemen and welcome to the 78th presentation of the 'world renown' Limbaugh Award.
Did you know Fox News' Gretchen Carlson was a former Miss America?
When Jimmy Carter courageously stood up this past week and called John McCain out on his out-of-control and piteous 'milking' of his POW story, Gretchen Carlson, another hugely overrated former 'beauty queen', came to McGrampy's defense and laughingly stated;
"On its face, it's an amazing statement, but it's also amazing when you start to analyze it because most people would say that John McCain hasn't talked enough about his POW experience, and the first time that he really did start sharing some personal moments about that, which were very tough for him to do, was during the Saddleback forum with Rick Warren a few weeks ago."
Come on! And Fox pays her stupid ass to read the news?
John McCain has milked that POW story from their very moment he got off that plane at Bethesda. From snatching the Beer Queen to getting elected to the Senate, McCain has worn that tired-ass story out!
Carlson, who, believe it or not, was Miss America in 1989, (damn, must've been a bad year) did not get her job based on competence, of course - this is Fox News. But nobody is that fucking clueless and she has to know she's lying.
But ladies and gentlemen, as hard as some of the committee members fought to select Miss America 1989, Gretchen Carlson, the majority of the votes for this week's Limbaugh Award - goes to another former 'beauty queen' - it's none other than, the former 'Miss Wasilla', and current Republican Vice-Presidential nominee, Sarah Palin. Sarah 'Pretty Peppy Princess' Palin didn't waste much time Friday showing why she's a certified Republican when, with a straight face, and a mere 5 minutes and 40 seconds after being introduced to the American people, she declared, "In fact, I told Congress, thanks, but no thanks, on that 'Bridge to Nowhere'."
No, not true, she did not say 'no thanks'. Here's what she did say;
'We need to come to the defense of Southeast Alaska when proposals are on the table like the bridge and not allow the spinmeisters to turn this project or any other into something that’s so negative'.Pretty Peppy Pork Princess Palin was actually full-faced and head first into the trough of federal pork projects from U.S taxpayers to build that stupid bridge to nowhere. It was the Democrats in Congress who killed that pork project. You do remember that it was the Democratic controlled 110th Congress who cut pork-barrel spending from $71 billion down to just $17 billion, right?
Yeah, some of you remember, some of you are trying hard to forget, but the facts are clear, Pork Princess Palin or any other Republican for that matter, ever cut pork. That was the Democrats! Those are facts!
Ladies and gentlemen, is the Pork Princess another simple-minded 'social' conservative who doesn't realize people actually record what you say, or is she just another clear example of what makes a person a Republican - e.g., Bush/McCain mold - in the first place? I mean, come on, she's a lifetime member of the NRA, and that's like the same as MENSA, right? She shouldn't be that confused!
No, Pretty Peppy Pork Princess Palin, is just another liar. She is a Republican.
She is also #78. Congratulations, Princess.