On other campaign news; Senator McCain and Governor Palin are due to start their 'Pandering Tour' throughout Ohio, immediately after today's announcement.
Update-1130 AM ET: The McCain campaign is also reporting the 'Straight Talk Express' will be joined today with Britney Spears, Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan in a reunion with Gov. Palin and Mrs. McCain, of overrated ex-beauty queens.
Update-1215 PM ET: Karl Rove, who mocked Virginia's three-year Governor, Tim Kaine, for being considered Barack's VP and being 'the mayor of the 105th largest city in America', was asked on Fox News what he thought of John McCain's selection of Sarah Palin, whose major experience is being the mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, pop. - 8,471, has demanded immediate executive privilege.
Update-1245 PM ET: CBS has reached former Vice President, Dan Quayle for comment on today's selection of Gov. Palin; "It's really unfair ... Gov. Palin was born in Idaho, so of course she knows how to spell potatoe".
Update-1300 PM ET: ABC is reporting a rather irate response from one-time, thought to be, 'female insider', Carly Fiorina, in John McCain's desperate choice of running mates. Charlie Gibson is reporting a very terse phone conversation with Senator McCain and Fiorina upon learning he was going with "little Miss Snowqueen"; "John McCain will learn to regret shunning me. He has whined all along that because he's had, 'a 35 year hatred of that "fucking Carly Simon song, "He's So Vain" , he just couldn't get that fucking tune out of his head everytime he thought about choosing me!" Ms. Fiorina added, 'that pencil-dicked little twerp'"!@! Whew-'developing'
Update-1400 PM ET: Fox News' Karl Rove has further commented and in an attempt to reassure conservatives, stated, "On the bright side, we know it will obviously be 'all McCain' on foreign policy, so thankfully, Bush's policies will be re-implemented".
Update-1600 PM ET: MSNBC's Joe Scarborough has interjected that, "Governor Palin is a strong choice to shore up John McCain's weakness on the economy". When reminded that Palin's degree from the University of Idaho is journalism and that she's had a little over a year managing a state budget of $2.9 billion, which is less than half the size of the city of Chicago's, Scarborough remarked, "What the hell do I know, I'm a General Studies major from the University of Alabama!"
Update-2030 PM ET: MSNBC's Keith Olbermann has reported the first known falsehood from the Palin camp, coming a mere 5 minutes and 40 seconds into her candidacy, Gov. Palin stated she opposed Alaska's and Republican's famous pork project, 'The Bridge to Nowhere'. Not true. Palin fully supported that massive 'pork' project and in fact, when asked in 2006 while running for governor if she supported Ted Stevens' bridge, Palin replied, "Yes. I would like to see Alaska's infrastructure projects built sooner rather than later. The window is now--while our congressional delegation [three indicted criminals, Stevens and Don Young, and Lisa Murkowski] is in a strong position to assist." -- MSNBC is checking with the McCain campaign to see if they will use the little used, '24 hour do-over option card'.
Update-2130 PM ET: The Daily Kos has more from Governor Palin on her outright lie that she didn't support the 'Bridge to Nowhere'. Here's another statement from the Governor, 'We need to come to the defense of Southeast Alaska when proposals are on the table like the bridge and not allow the spinmeisters to turn this project or any other into something that’s so negative'. -- McCain's chief spokeman, Tucker Bounds, had a stearn ' no comment' when asked how the Senator felt about this newly discovered contradiction to one of Governor Palin's very few strong points.
Update-2340 PM ET: Matt Lauer from NBC News is reporting the McCain campaign is denying any truth to the rumor that John McCain's 'excruciating' and, 'almost painful-looking' facial expressions during Gov. Palin's acceptance speech - Her squeal is well known in Alaska to be 'worse than fingernails on a chalkboard' - was the reason for McCain's obvious angst. Tucker Bounds reported on NBC's Today Show that the problem was, "John's long hemorrhoid problem he developed from his 5 1/2 years in a North Vietnamese POW camp".