Sunday, August 31, 2008

BREAKING NEWS: Stephanopoulos has testicles!

GRAHAM: To go in her state and say ‘I’m not going to build a bridge to nowhere’ — a $400 - $400 million appropriation that was passed by brute force in the Congress by two senior members of the congressional delegation, very powerful figures in Washington. And for her to say, ‘We’re not going to do this because its not necessary and its wasteful,’ to take on your own Republican party –

STEPHANOPOULOS: But Senator, she turned against that, only she campaigned for it in her 2006 race, and turned against it in 2007 only after it became a national joke.
Damn, talk about a couple of weenies ...

Well, at least Stephanopoulos did his homework. He sure smacked down McCain's second favorite little poodle.

And, the punch line to all of this? The Pretty Peppy Pork Princess not only fully supported the 'bridge to nowhere', but she hasn't even sent our money back yet! She lied and implied that she had saved the taxpayers all of that money?
"She did curtail state support of the "bridge to nowhere" connecting Ketchikan with its island airport. But contrary to her statement today in Dayton, OH, she didn't send the federal money back. It's available for use in other projects elsewhere."