Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Are we better off now than we were three years and eight and half months ago?

The projected federal deficit for this year is $100 billion less than when GWB squirmed back to Texas.

Three years, eight months ago we were losing 800,000 private sector jobs a month. Last month we added 163,000 private sector jobs.

Three years, eight months ago were bleeding jobs and now Moody's projects 12 million new jobs by 2016.

Three years, eight months ago our GDP was retracting at an astounding 8.9%. Last quarter saw positive growth of 1.7% even with Republicans fighting against us.

I live in Michigan. Our unemployment rate was 11.3% three years, eight months ago. It was 9% last month.

Three years, eight months ago the Dow Jones Industrial Average was 7,950. Friday the DJIA closed at 13,103.

Three years, eight months ago we had 150,000 American troops in GWB's bogus War in Iraq and he was still ignoring Osama bin Laden, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Three years and eight months later, we are not in Iraq, we bitch-slap Pakistan whenever we feel like it and Osama bin Laden is fish food.

We are far better off now than three years, eight months ago and Republicans want to double-down on the same old, failed policies that brought us to the precipice. The only question remaining; are 50.1% of the people dumb enough to go back to those days of misery? Unfortunately, 50% of Americans are real dumb.