Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Obama reduces Bush's deficit

CBO Projects $1.1 Trillion Deficit For 2012

It took awhile but we have finally reduced the staggering federal budget deficit left to us by George W. Bush and his failed Republican economic policies.

As all you readers of 'done that' - and any fact checking, truth telling website - well know, Bush left us with his staggering $1.2 trillion deficit and his debilitating negative 8.9% GDP and 800,000 jobs lost per month economy.

Just like the fiscal mess Bill Clinton cleaned up after Reagan and Bush Daddy, it always takes awhile to clean up the devastation Republicans leave behind.  Now we just need to make sure we don't hand it back over to the same old fools who nearly destroy us every time they take office.  We can't afford those losers anymore!