Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Wait a minute, that fucking Elliott Abrams sold missiles to the goddamn Ayatollah Khomeini!

"At the moment, no one is persuaded that the United States will use force to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. That situation worries Israelis and emboldens Iranians, not the outcome we want."
That Iran/Contra convicted felon Elliott Abrams, is a foreign policy advisor to Paul Ryan? Who's advising him on ethics, Tom DeLay?

Let me ask you something. What do you think wingnuts would say if they found out that Barack Obama was supplying al-Qaeda with TOW and Hawk missiles?

Elliott Abrams was deeply involved in Ronald Reagan's covert and traitorous sale of 10,000 missiles to Iran and that was a short two years after Iranian-backed Hezbollah terrorists murdered 241 of our guys in Beirut. You remember, back in the good old days when the real 'Paper Tiger', Reagan, cut and ran like a gutless B-list actor?

Are Americans dumb enough to allow these Republicans to just continue to recycle all these historic losers? Is Elliott Abrams even an American anymore? I thought that fucking scumbag had slithered his ugly ass to Israel a long time ago. After all, that's who he lobby's for. Fuck all them traitors! Fight and pay for your own battles!