Sunday, September 02, 2012

The Stimulus did work-it was the 2010 election that didn't

It's Sunday and it's Meet the Press and once again America has to listen to that serial adulterous scumbag, Newt Gingrich. He and Carly Fiorina are on and once again they are telling the lie that the 'stimulus' didn't work.

As one of the fortunate readers of 'done that' you know the 'stimulus' worked because as you have learned here, the quarter before Barack Obama took office the GDP retracted at an astounding 8.9%. For you wingnuts-'retracting' means 'to draw back' - go negative.

By October 2009, a mere seven months after the stimulus passed and only two months after the George W. Bush Great Recession ended, the GDP growth was, 3.8%. The next quarter it was 3.9%, the next 3.8%, followed by two quarters of 2.5% and 2.3% of GDP growth and then Republicans took control of the House of Representatives and the GDP growth plummeted to .4% the very first quarter they were back in control.

The stimulus worked fine. It was the 2010 election that failed and if you want another devastating recession, elect more Republicans this November. Your move, fools.