Friday, September 18, 2009

I have a simple question (excluding wingnuts)

On issues relating to our national defense we should listen to and follow the advice of:
A. Limbaugh, Hannity and McCain or
B. The unanimous recommendation of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Sec. of Defense Robert Gates?

I ask that simple question - not to wingnuts of course, they're not rational or deep thinkers but followers - to independent minded people who actually care about our nation's defense and not whether their favorite sheepherder agrees with it or not.

President Obama, with the "unanimous support" of the Joint Chiefs and Secretary Gates has decided to scrap the G.W. Bush Star Wars Debacle. It was too costly, wouldn't be done until 2017, and most importantly would not work. Obama will now, with a strong recommendation from the men who know, implement a "less costly, less controversial" system that is "more adaptable and will work better than the previous system" and will be completed by 2011.

So do you listen to a couple of pathetic Chickenhawks and U.S. history's worst fighter pilot who has had a disastrous record on foreign policy or do you listen to the Generals and Admirals who rose to the top of their profession and now comprise our Joint Chiefs of Staff?

That should be a very easy question to answer for any free-thinking and rational person. Wingnuts excluded.