(Update 16:45) Interestingly Drudge has totally removed the picture and both links. They were all still up as late as 1500 hrs. The links weren't moved down the page like is normally done, but removed entirely. I guess it was that obvious.
Targeting and killing the real enemy
Recent targeted attacks that killed militants in Somalia, Indonesia and Pakistan have chipped away at al-Qaida's power base, sapping the terror network of key leaders and experienced operatives who train recruits and wage attacks. Intelligence officials said Friday that the military strikes have reduced al-Qaida's core leadership to only a handful of men and diminished its ability to train fighters.
We're very thankful for the resolve on the real mission.
But .. but what did he say when ...
"He's [Obama] going to make the illegals legal, he's gonna do amnesty. Everyone knows this, predicted this."
Tell us ditto-heads, who signed the biggest amnesty bill in U.S. history? Hint: You will not find that answer at the Heritage Foundation or hear it on Fox News or discussed on hate radio.
The King of Amnesty and Amnesia

If he had only listened to his own advice
Bush: Sarah Palin "not even remotely prepared"

Bush got one right for a change. But no one dumber or more 'unprepared' has ever been elected president than George W. Bush. And people knew that when they voted for him in 2000. They thought it was funny that he was dumb and said he'd be 'cool to have a beer with'. Isn't it great sharing the planet with so many fucking morons?
The Teabaggers' Leadership

The incomes of the young and middle-aged — especially men — have fallen off a cliff since 2000, leaving many age groups poorer than they were even in the 1970s, a USA TODAY analysis of new Census data found. ...The dividing line between those getting richer or poorer: the year 1955. If you were born before that, you're part of a generation enjoying a four-decade run of historic income growth. Every generation after that is now sinking economically.
Since the very beginning of Bushonomics - when fools cheered their pettily tax cut - your wages - in many more cases than not - have remained stagnant. Hell, some of the Bush kool aid drinkers don't even have wages anymore and they're still too stupid to get it. And after they read the next story, they'll realize they had better get used to it. And that their votes for Republicans have had some very serious consequences.
My Great State is Hurting
Michigan Is Singing the White-Collar Blues
University of Michigan economist Donald Grimes told The Wall Street Journal the skills held by many unemployed workers, particularly those in the auto industry, were valued in their previous jobs but will be a tough sell in other sectors.
'Honoring Gallantry'

Great job Democrats! Take a bow
Citizens for Ethics and Responsibility in Washington was once characterized as a liberal group on a witch hunt to oust then-House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-TX). Not anymore. On Tuesday, the Washington watchdog group released its list of what it called the “most corrupt members of Congress” — and Democrats, who now control both chambers of Congress, comprise the majority.
On second thought, is there any possibility I could get Jack Murtha or Alan Mollohan to be my congressman?
Fuck 'em! More air for the rest of us
Harvard researchers published Thursday in the American Journal of Public Health a study which reveals roughly 45,000 American adults die every year because they are not covered by health insurance.

LIMBAUGH: Wait just a second now [...] Marxist, socialist, fascist, yes. I never called him a Nazi. That's what his people are calling us.
--"This is just another example of Rush's continued attempts to rewrite his show's history by claiming he never called Obama a Nazi. Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong."
Their deranged, OxyContin brain-damaged hero.
FALLUJAH, Iraq — An Iraqi man who witnesses said shouted abuse before throwing a shoe at a US army vehicle was shot dead on Wednesday in what the American military said was a suspected grenade attack.
The moral of that story is don't throw your shoe at the ones driving around in armored vehicles. Just those standing at podiums.
Looking for Jimmy

Wow, was that the crowd?

Yeah okay ...that makes more sense

Today a long time ago

I visited the Chickamauga-Chattanooga National Military Park back in July of 2005 and really enjoyed it.
Hey hurry - there's one!