Sunday, July 19, 2009

The life of the Party
“Breaking News: Playboy just offered Sarah Palin $1 million to pose nude in the January issue. Michelle Obama got the same offer from National Geographic.”

Isn't it funny how ugly white dudes who like to tell aboriginal jokes always tend to look like gorillas? Instinct, I guess.

Stop Obama's health care reform now!
So we can protect these poor Bastards' salaries!
Aetna, Ronald A. Williams: $24,300,112
Cigna, H. Edward Hanway: $12,236,740
Coventry, Dale Wolf: $9,047,469
Health Net, Jay Gellert: $4,425,355
Humana, Michael McCallister: $4,764,309
U. Health Group, Stephen J. Hemsley: $3,241,042
Wellpoint, Angela Braly: $9,844,212
Will President Obama's watered-down, 'public option-lite' health care reform pass? Let's hope not. What this country needs is, 'Single Payer' health care insurance - Medicare for everyone! Emphasis on 'INSURANCE', numbnuts - because that's all it is! Our Doctors won't be going anywhere - only those grossly overpaid middlemen listed above will be going somewhere and that's to find another line of work. Medicare's administrative costs are 3% while private health insurance companies are as high as 20%. Why am I paying that additional 17% and some highly overrated CEO "$467,309.85 per week", to see my doctor? Medicare for all, single-payer health care ... and if not, don't even bother wasting our time and resources.

A First Class Fiscal Conservative (sic)
... A POLITICO analysis of hundreds of pages of state travel records requested to explore the circumstances of his [South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford] affair found that in his 6 1/2 years as governor, Sanford traveled frequently and in a style markedly at odds with his political persona. The records detail more than $468,000 worth of state-funded travel for Sanford and show that he routinely billed taxpayers for high-end airline seats, racking up more than $44,000 on business- and first-class tickets. He often stayed in pricey hotels that far exceeded the rates he imposed on other state employees.

Another phony-ass fiscal-conservative wingnut.

First Class Social Conservatives, too
With their, “Christian fellowship home” for perverts
Another week, another sex scandal: Word broke late yesterday that former GOP Rep. Chip Pickering is the latest politico in trouble for allegedly cheating on his wife. ...Pickering just so happened to bunk at the increasingly infamous rowhouse at 133 C Street SE here in Washington, a “Christian fellowship home” where he was roomies with John Ensign and where Mark Sanford used to hang out.

Well, the 'C' sure isn't for Christian. Typical wingnut hypocrites, though. Every single one of those scumbags condemned Bill Clinton and demanded his resignation. Reminds me of the Chickenshit invoking God.

*The group that runs the house on C Street, 'The Family' (the irony) -- "a secretive and politically powerful religious group based in Washington" -- claims to be a "Christian fellowship deserving of tax-free status ". I didn't realize whorehouses were tax-exempt?

Another fucking Pillar of the rightwing Earlier this year, Texas Governor Rick Perry was one of a handful of Republican governors who refused some federal stimulus funds from President Obama's economic recovery package on the grounds that there were too many strings attached to the money. Now that the state is dire straits, however, Perry is asking the federal government for a loan to cover the very expenses the rejected stimulus money would have paid for.

Looks like Gov. Perry, 'Mr. 'Secessionist' will have a little of that Kool Aid now, after all.

Schooled 'em

It's not waste, if it's 'military waste'
'More than the rest of the world combined'
CHICAGO (AP) — Defense Secretary Robert Gates is jeering Congress for wanting to spend millions of dollars on more fighter jets than he says the U.S. actually needs. Gates made the F-22 funding battle in Washington the focus of a wry and sometimes stinging speech Thursday night to the Economic Club of Chicago. He chided Congress for accusing the Obama administration of cutting spending on the F-22s — even when the budget's $534 billion bottom line is an increase from last year. Gates said the Pentagon's budget might be more than what the rest of the world, combined, spends on defense. He noted, "Only in Washington, D.C., would that be considered gutting defense."

Obama, the Air Force and the Pentagon don't want anymore F-22's - John McCain and Carl Levin - for God's sakes - are co-sponsoring an amendment against it! All that objection to more F-22's, and it doesn't look like Obama could 'get the one-third plus one votes' to 'sustain a veto'? Military lobbyists are like pitbulls.

Forty years ago tomorrow
In this July 20, 1969, file photo, Apollo 11 astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin E. "Buzz" Aldrin, the first men to walk on the moon, plant the U.S. flag.
Astronaut Edwin E. Aldrin, Jr., lunar module pilot of the first lunar landing mission, beside the deployed US flag during Apollo 11 Extravehicular Activity on the lunar surface area called the Sea of Tranquility, on July 20, 1969.

Holy Cow! ... Steele is even dumber, and a bigger liar, than Chickenshit!
He enlightens the Sheep on our $11.6 trillion debt On Fox News, RNC Chairman Michael Steele was asked whether Republicans would borrow from President Clinton’s famous catch-phrase during the 1992 campaign, “it’s the economy stupid,” in the run-up to the 2010 election. Steele proceeded to launch into a rambling answer that used fuzzy math to assert that, in only six months, President Obama has added “10 trillion dollars” to the national deficit, while President Bush is to blame for only “a trillion”;

And he's their 'chairman'. He's so pathetically ignorant and ethically dishonest. ... Just like Chickenshit.

It's always nice to say, I told you so!
Oh yeah, just in case you missed 60 Minutes last week - which was nothing short of a classic validation of what 'done that' has told you about how much of a failure the Bush/Cheney Cartel were on fighting the real war on terror - then check out this video.