[Do you realize how narrow the Strait of Hormuz is? How does $12 a gallon gasoline sound to you?]
Then again, we are stuck with Stupid
George W Bush has told the Israeli government that he may be prepared to approve a future military strike on Iranian nuclear facilities if negotiations with Tehran break down, according to a senior Pentagon official. Despite the opposition of his own generals and widespread scepticism that America is ready to risk the military, political and economic consequences of an airborne strike on Iran, the president has given an “amber light” to an Israeli plan to attack Iran’s main nuclear sites with long-range bombing sorties, the official told The Sunday Times.
'Generation Kill'

'Behind the Fannie and Freddie Fears'
All debt issued by mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac comes with a prominent disclaimer: "Not guaranteed by the United States." But the business model of both companies, not to mention the continued functioning of the U.S. mortgage market, depends on nobody quite believing that disclaimer. Wrap your head around that contradiction, and you're well on your way to understanding the Fannie-Freddie drama currently gripping U.S. markets.
[We need more deregulation!]
Citizen patriot of the month

[Wow, Mr. Eason is a true American hero. What a class act!]

[Neat cartoon but that's not how it ended up for old Jesse. His old ugly hate-filled racist fatass is rotating on a spit with an apple stuffed in his big mouth.]
T. Boone the oilman goes 'green'?

[Ol' T. Boone may just be able to make enough money to pay off all of those $1 million bets he lost. You have to hand it to the guy as a businessman even if he is a liar and a welsher.]
Listening to me and Obama
WASHINGTON — The Bush administration is considering the withdrawal of additional combat forces from Iraq beginning in September, according to administration and military officials, raising the prospect of a far more ambitious plan than expected only months ago. Such a withdrawal would be a striking reversal from the nadir of the war in 2006 and 2007. One factor in the consideration is the pressing need for additional American troops in Afghanistan ...
[They only wasted 5 years and 5 months, 4,118 lives, 30,000 wounded and a couple of trillion dollars. No mercy, they all need to be tried and convicted.]
The 'sad saga of a soldier'

[A sad situation. The guy needed help and it looks like he didn't get it]

Republicans who smoke dope
Who are Libertarians?
...{B}ut Henry Berg (yup, Jim's cousin), who owns the Belmont Inn with his wife Bertie, is fine with a little neglect. What he really fears is that the electricity will get hooked up. "We don't want power, but it will come in someday, and that will be the end of it," he says. "More people will come in, and they'll want to build a Wal-Mart."
These guys stop at nothing
The Sunday Times reports Stephen Payne, a Bush pioneer and a political appointee to the Homeland Security Advisory Council, was caught on tape offering access to key members of the Bush administration inner circle in exchange for “six-figure donations to the private library being set up to commemorate Bush’s presidency.”
[Count #687]
Great, we're now doing mortgages?
WASHINGTON - A mortgage rescue to help hundreds of thousands of struggling homeowners avoid foreclosure and get more affordable, safer loans passed the Senate overwhelmingly Friday, but it faces a bumpy road amid continuing turmoil in the housing market. The 63-5 vote reflected a keen interest by Democrats and Republicans to send election-year help to distressed homeowners with economic issues topping voters' concerns.

Not that kind of change, Jesse

"See, Barack been, um, talking down to black people on this faith based ... I want cut his nuts out ... "
[I love the way Jackson acts like he has a knife and he jabs upward after he says 'cut his nuts out'!]
And Joe McCarthy was a Democrat

Iran and the Iraqi Shia won

[We spent all those lives and treasure and for what? To strengthen Iran and their long Shiite Iraqi allies. We need leadership with foresight.]
'Greatest surgeon' dies

Now that would be hilarious!
PHOENIX -- In a sign of continued weakness in his home state, an online poll shows Sen. John McCain trailing Sen. Barack Obama by 3-percentage points in Arizona.
Yeah Huck, he was very clear
The thing that many of us loved and admired about Jesse Helms was that, here was a guy, he didn’t care what you thought about his view, but you were going to always know where he stood because he stood for something and he stood clearly.- Mike Huckabee
“White people, wake up before it is too late. Do you want Negroes working beside you, your wife and your daughters, in your mills and factories?” - Jesse Helms
Tony Snow

Tony Snow, sadly died too young. Snow, a former speech-writer and Deputy Assistant of Media Affairs to Daddy Bush, was respected and well-liked even as an employee of Fox News (a 'C-' grade isn't bad for a Fox guy). A once very promising career was later seriously damaged when Snow allowed himself to be suckered in to being George W. Bush's third Lying Puppet (previously known as 'Press Secretary') in 2006. He resigned from that position on September 14, 2007. That short stint actually earned Mr. Snow the nickname 'Snowjob' and two, #16 and #21, Limbaugh Awards. The 'esteemed' Limbaugh Award selection Committee debated whether to 'scrub' Mr. Snow's name from the award but decided that his name should remain - he did tell those lies -- but they agreed to use a special double asterisks (**) to denote that he lied for his 'boss' -- regardless if it was against his country. Rest in peace, Mr. Snow. You died way too young ... It is good to know you are man who I'm sure left his young family with a lot to go on with ... you did very well during your short lifetime, Mr. 'Snowjob'.
The Limbaugh Award
Ali vs Webner, Tyson vs Spinks, Cowboys vs Bills, Globetrotters vs the Generals, John McCain vs everybody else for this week's Limbaugh Award.
Ladies and gentlemen, no one has ever won this 'prestigious, but infamous' award for liars more soundly and convincingly than John 'Lil' Bush' McCain did this week. And he had some damn good competition.
McCain's credibility took a terrible hit this week with him getting nailed almost everyday on something.
He started the week out with his ridiculous claim that he would 'pay off the deficit' with his 'victories in Iraq and Afghanistan'. First of all, we will not 'win' anything with that little dumbass in charge. He doesn't have a clue of what the hell 'winning' even is. Secondly, Bush and McCain's blundering fiascos are very costly but they're only running us $200 billion and the CBO has said not only will McSame continue Bush's record setting deficits, but he will actually 'balloon the deficit' to $500 billion a year! Where's the other $300 billion, asshole?
Then the next day he lied about Barack Obama's tax plan and the day after that he flat-out lied about al-Maliki's statement on a timetable for us to get the fuck out of Iraq. And yes, there was actually a day after that, too. And 'Mr Straight-talk', true to form, lied that day about how he 'supported' the vote on Iran's Revolutionary Guard while Obama 'skipped the vote'. But, of course, McCain 'skipped' it, too.
But of course, even though there were even a couple of more lies along with those four, [In 4 days!] McCain's biggest lie, the one that speaks volumes about the man's total lack of character, the one that rightly sows doubt in the only issue McCain has to actually stand on; his now very questionable POW 'story' -- is his shameless lie about the Steelers' 'Steel Curtain' being the names he recited as is platoon mates to his Vietnam captors. If he's lying about that he'll lie about everything.
John McCain is not fit to serve this country. How he has gotten away with over 25 years in Congress certainly does not say much for the people of Arizona.
He may continue to get away with it with our 'liberal media', but he won't get away with it here at 'done that' --- Congratulations Lil' Bush, you're pathetically shameless, and #71!
Past winners of the prestigious, but infamous,
The Limbaugh Award
Fox Assholes & Friends - Doocey and Kilmeade -7/5/08*
Fear-Mongering Buckeye Fan - Hugh Hewitt - 6/29/08
A Terrible American - Sean Hannity - 6/22/08
Tim Russert Memorial Truce Week - 6/15/08
Fox's Toe-Sucking Ethics Expert - Dick Morris - 6/7/08*
Troop Level Idiot - John 'Lil' Bush' McCain - 6/1/08
Sub 10th Grade Debate Loser - Rush Limbaugh - 5/25/08
Scared Little Man - George W. Bush - 5/18/08
Sugar Momma Beer Queen - Cindy McCain - 5/11/08
Uncultured Wussy - Bill O'Reilly - 5/4/08
Nazi Running for Congress - Tony Zirkle, R-IN - 4/27/08
Fox's Toe-Sucking Ethics Expert - Dick Morris - 4/20/08
Lying Dickhead VP - Dick Cheney - 4/13/08
McCain's Chief Lobbyist - Charlie Black - 4/6/08
Neo-Nazi Supporter - Sean Hannity - 3/30/08
Shiite for a Brain - John McCain - 3/23/08
Client #9 - Governor Eliot Spitzer - 3/15/08*
Turd Blossom - Karl Rove - 3/9/08
Lying Redneck Rep - Jack Kingston R-GA - 3/2/08
Lying Little Twirp - Tucker Carlson - 2/24/08
Mr Straight Talk - John McCain - 2/17/08
Bye Week - 2/10/08
Mr Straight Talk - John McCain - 2/3/08
935 of them - Bush & the Gang of 7 - 1/27/08
Fox News Co-Liars - Hannity & O'Reilly - 1/20/08
Sheep's Favorite Liar - Rush Limbaugh - 1/13/08
Longtime Lobbyist - Trent Lott - 1/6/08
2007 Co-Champions - Dick Bush - 12/30/07
Lying Piece of - Mitt Romney - 12/23/07
Psycho Pervert - Michael Savage - 12/16/07
Sheepherder-in-Chief - George W. Bush - 12/9/07
Turd Blossom - Karl Rove - 12/2/07
Cowardly Welsher - T. Boone Pickens - 11/25/07
Republican Tool - Matt Drudge - 11/18/07
Their Favored Liar - Rudy Giuliani - 11/11/07
Fox News Liar - Chris Wallace - 11/4/07
Uncultured Wussy - Bill O'Reilly - 10/28/07
Phony Patriot Liar - Rush Limbaugh - 10/21/07
Old Kentucky Homo - Mitch McConnell - 10/14/07
Liar-In-Chief - George W. Bush - 10/7/07
Phony Patriot Pig - Rush Limbaugh - 9/30/07
Big Stretch 'the truth' - Bill Sammon - 9/23/07
Mr. Straight Talk - John McCain - 9/16/07
Sycophant - Gen. David Petraeus - 9/9/07
His own Idaho - Sen. Craig R-Idaho - 9/2/07
Turd Blossom - Karl Rove - 8/26/07
The Exterminator - Tom Delay - 8/19/07
Big 'Rooster' - Mitt Romney - 8/12/07
Total Suck Up - Glenn Beck - 8/5/07
General Gonzo - Alberto Gonzales - 7/29/07
Pro Liar - Tony 'Snowjob' Snow - 7/22/07 **
Bush bin Lyin - George W. Bush - 7/15/07
Freed Felon - Scooter Libby - 7/8/07
Mr. Overrated - Rudy Giuliani - 7/1/07
Crazy Lying Okie - James Inhofe - 6/24/07
Pro Liar - Tony 'Snowjob' Snow - 6/17/07 **
Mormon Moron - Mitt Romney - 6/10/07
Bye Week - 6/3/07
Commander Guy - George W. Bush - 5/27/07
Pat's Brother - Bay Buchanan - 5/20/07
Used Car Salesman - John Boehner - 5/13/07
Uncultured Wussy - Bill O'Reilly - 5/6/07
Mr. Overrated - Rudy Giuliani - 4/29/07
Turd Blossom - Karl Rove - 4/22/07
The Decider - George W. Bush - 4/15/07
Lying Chickenhawk VP - Dick Cheney - 4/8/07
Mr. Straight Talk - John McCain - 4/1/07
Attorney General - Alberto Gonzales - 3/25/07
Fox mouthpieces Sean Hannity and
Victoria Toensing - 3/18/07
Fox News guy - Brit Hume - 3/11/07
VA Secretary - Jim Nicholson - 3/4/07
Rep. Michele Bachmann - (R-MN) - 2/25/07