Sunday, July 13, 2008

Sunday Scroll #71 excerpt

The Limbaugh Award #71

Ali vs Webner, Tyson vs Spinks, Cowboys vs Bills, Globetrotters vs the Generals, John McCain vs everybody else for this week's Limbaugh Award.

Ladies and gentlemen, no one has ever won this 'prestigious, but infamous' award for liars more soundly and convincingly than John 'Lil' Bush' McCain did this week. And he had some damn good competition.

McCain's credibility took a terrible hit this week with him getting nailed almost everyday on something.

He started the week out with his ridiculous claim that he would 'pay off the deficit' with his 'victories in Iraq and Afghanistan'. First of all, we will not 'win' anything with that little dumbass in charge. He doesn't have a clue of what the hell 'winning' even is. Secondly, Bush and McCain's blundering fiascos are very costly but they're only running us $200 billion and the CBO has said not only will McSame continue Bush's record setting deficits, but he will actually 'balloon the deficit' to $500 billion a year! Where's the other $300 billion, asshole?

Then the next day he lied about Barack Obama's tax plan and the day after that he flat-out lied about al-Maliki's statement on a timetable for us to get the fuck out of Iraq. And yes, there was actually a day after that, too. And 'Mr Straight-talk', true to form, lied that day about how he 'supported' the vote on Iran's Revolutionary Guard while Obama 'skipped the vote'. But, of course, McCain 'skipped' it, too.

But of course, even though there were even a couple of more lies along with those four, [In 4 days!] McCain's biggest lie, the one that speaks volumes about the man's total lack of character, the one that rightly sows doubt in the only issue McCain has to actually stand on; his now very questionable POW 'story' -- is his shameless lie about the Steelers' 'Steel Curtain' being the names he recited as is platoon mates to his Vietnam captors. If he's lying about that he'll lie about everything.

John McCain is not fit to serve this country. How he has gotten away with over 25 years in Congress certainly does not say much for the people of Arizona.

He may continue to get away with it with our 'liberal media', but he won't get away with it here at 'done that' --- Congratulations Lil' Bush, you're pathetically shameless, and #71!