Old John McCain. Did you know he was a POW for five and half years in Vietnam?
Are you old enough to remember the Pittsburgh Steelers' 'Steel Curtain'? Damn, 'Mean' Joe Greene, L.C. Greenwood, Dwight 'Mad Dog' White, and my favorite, Ernie 'Arrowhead' Holmes. - Both White and Holmes have died this year.
The Steelers won their first Super Bowl in 1975. They were miserable in 1967 when John McCain was shot down and taken prisoner. Dick Arndt, John Baker, Chuck Hinton, and Jerry Mazzanti ... McCain remembered those guys?
Looks like a 'Bosnia moment' to me ... He really doesn't have anything else to run on ... and with his recent self-revelation that he was given special treatment as a POW, this new whopper ought to pretty much do him in on the 'character' thing -- You'd think. It's gonna be huge front-page stuff on the New York Times and Washington Post tomorrow, I'm sure. All the Sunday talking-heads shows, too -- a sure bet.
Did you know John McCain wrote a book? Called it 'Faith of My Fathers'.
The Green Bay Packers won the First Super Bowl in January 1967. John McCain wrote in that book that he recited to his captors the offensive line of the Green Bay Packers and that was his story before he stopped for a campaign event in Pittsburgh. Forrest Gregg, Jerry Kramer, Fuzzy Thurston, Bob Skoronski and Bill Curry. It's a good thing McCain is already getting his ass kicked in Wisconsin because he just lost another 5 points.
You would think he'd lose a lot more if people paid attention. John McCain is not only a liar, but for me as a huge football fan, he showed me he's a fucking stupid liar, too.