"Assuming Congress' approval of President George W. Bush's request for war costs for the upcoming fiscal year 2008 (a request of $141.7 billion), total appropriations related to the wars would reach $758 billion, including $567 billion for Iraq, $157 billion for Afghanistan, $29 billion for other security operations in the US and elsewhere, and $5 billion which can be attributed to "unknown" due to the Defense Department's inability to track its own money".
[And what do you think the cost will be for the long-term care of the 27,000 who have been wounded in Iraq so far?]
And what's another $1.2 billion?
US renting Pak army for $100 million a month
The United States is paying around $ 100 million a month for the deployment of 80,000 Pakistani troops on its border with Afghanistan ostensibly for the war on terrorism, a key US official revealed on Thursday. [Let me get this straight - We're paying Musharaf and his Army a $100 million a month? For what? So they can they can properly manage their truce with al-Qaeda? Nice job on fighting the 'war on terror', losers.]
About that long-term care ...

SAN ANTONIO - The five badly burned soldiers arrived around 11 p.m., sedated and swathed in bandages from head to foot — the screech of the plane's wheels on the tarmac and waiting ambulances marking the end of a 7,500-mile journey.
Powder Puff
It turns out Mitt Romney has maintained an expensive beauty regimen for years. A RAW STORY analysis of Romney's campaign finance records during his time as Massachusetts governor shows he spent nearly $2,000 on makeup artists over four years. The personal-beautification spending was divided over six sessions to three separate companies. Individual makeup jobs ranged in price from $180 to $690.
Which way did the 'surge' go?
Attacks in Iraq last month reached their highest daily average since May 2003, showing a surge in violence as President George W. Bush completed a buildup of U.S. troops, Pentagon statistics show. The June numbers showed 5,335 attacks against coalition troops, Iraqi security forces, civilians and infrastructure. ... the average daily number of attacks was 177.8.
Thank you ... you're welcome
The University of Michigan Hospitals and Health Centers completed the 2007 fiscal year with a positive operating margin, the 11th year of consecutive positive earnings, hospital leaders told U-M’s Board of Regents today. The health system’s operating margin was 3.8%, or $61.7 million in earnings over $1.57 billion in revenues, in the year ending June 30.
We need to Feingold
During a Friday book signing in Washington, D.C., one of former Vice President Gore's daughters seemed to go further than her father in saying that a 2008 White House run was not going to happen. "He's really not going to get in the race," said Kristin Gore when asked if she has any special insight into her father's political plans.
Today a long time ago

Friends with humorist Will Rogers, they were both killed in a crash Wiley Post was piloting over Alaska on August 15, 1933.
Illegal procedure

Sorry about the MRAP's, son

Limbaugh takes stock hit
Purdue Pharma L.P., the maker of OxyContin, and three of its executives were ordered Friday to pay a $634.5 million fine for misleading the public about the painkiller's risk of addiction.
Nice security

When her ass got about that big!

I thought that was a bad callThe FBI is investigating allegations that veteran NBA referee Tim Donaghy bet on basketball games over the past two seasons, including ones in which he officiated.
Lying sack of shit
Presidential hopeful Rudy Giuliani said the U.S. is distracted by the conflict in Iraq and is not focusing enough on al-Qaida’s resurgence in Afghanistan and Pakistan. "I said it a long time ago – America is too consumed with Iraq,” the former New York City mayor told USA Today. [Rudy's reading the polls again]
A Special Limbaugh/HD Award
[The award doesn't necessarily have to go to just pathological liars and since the namesakes of this prestigious, but infamous award were both sheep that followed Bush into Iraq and who are therefore, obviously, complicit with the failed policies that have allowed al-Qaeda to survive , it can also be presented in special circumstances like this.] - The 'Committee' -
The Grim ReaperThe airplane is the size of a jet fighter, powered by a turboprop engine, able to fly at 300 mph and reach 50,000 feet. It is outfitted with infrared, laser and radar targeting, and with a ton and a half of guided bombs and missiles. The Reaper is loaded, but there is no one on board. Its pilot, as it bombs targets in Iraq, will sit at a video console 7,000 miles away in Nevada. GO AIR FORCE!
"I ain't no baby!"Army Spc. Christopher D. Kube was memorialized Thursday in a packed theater at this outpost in east Baghdad. Another fallen soldier. Another reminder, far from the public spotlight, of the grief that hits not only families of this war's casualties but also their comrades in arms. He was 18.
"When I saw him I asked, `How old are you, 10?"' recalled his platoon sergeant, Staff Sgt. Eugenie Byron-Griffin. "`What are you doing here? You're a baby.' He looked me straight in my eye, with his chest poked out like he does, and he said, `I'm 17, and I ain't no baby. I'm a man."'
[Christopher D. Kube, a young 18 year old Michigan hero whose needless death is proof you don't need 'years' of training to die for a mistake.]
Limbaugh/HD Award
Ladies and gentlemen, the 21st winner of the prestigious, but infamous, Limbaugh/HD Award, given here weekly (almost) at 'done that', is Tony 'Snowjob' Snow!
I know - I was somewhat disappointed that it was another repeat winner, too, but after listening to the 'committee', which was unanimous with its selection, it had to be Mr. Snow - Irregardless of his butt-cancer - there was no other choice.
Mr. Snow, who used to do all of his lying for Fox News, and for a whole lot more money, penned an op-ed this week for USA Today - [You know, that America-hating, commie/liberal, media-biased rag?]
There were so many lies and untruths in Snow's short op-ed that many speculated he may have had a 'bad' reaction to some of his therapy and thought he was back at Fox, where of course, he was once able to get away with such rubbish.
But after an official White House denial of Snow being negatively affected by any cancer treatments, the 'committee' had absolutely no choice but to name Mr. Snow this week's winner.Snowjob told at least four blatant untruths in his brief, 400-500 word essay for USA Today. We got the lie about, "We never tried to connect Saddam and 9/11", the one about Iraq not making things worse, the one about al-Qaeda wanting us to leave Iraq, but, the lie that the 'committee' said tipped the scale enormously in favor of Snow was his line, “The al-Qaeda of 2001 no longer exists.”
The committee was dumbfounded by that sentence.
“The al-Qaeda of 2001 no longer exists” ?
Isn't he forgetting a couple of bad guys?
Congratulations, Mr. Snowjob - You're #21. Good luck with your treatment.
{Sources for lie(s) debunking at Think Progress}
Past winners of the prestigious, but infamous,
Limbaugh/HD Award
Bush bin Lyin - George W. Bush - 7/15/07
Freed Felon - Scooter Libby - 7/8/07
Mr. Overrated - Rudy Giuliani - 7/1/07
Crazy Lying Okie - James Inhofe - 6/24/07
Pro Liar - Tony 'Snowjob' Snow - 6/17/07
Mormon Moron - Mitt Romney - 6/10/07
Bye Week - 6/3/07
Commander Guy - George W. Bush - 5/27/07
Pat's Brother - Bay Buchanan - 5/20/07
Used Car Salesman - John Boehner - 5/13/07
Uncultured Wussy - Bill O'Reilly - 5/6/07
Mr. Overrated - Rudy Giuliani - 4/29/07
Turd Blossom - Karl Rove - 4/22/07
The Decider - George W. Bush - 4/15/07
Lying Chickenhawk VP - Dick Cheney - 4/8/07
Mr. Straight Talk - John McCain - 4/1/07
Attorney General - Alberto Gonzales - 3/25/07
Fox mouthpieces Sean Hannity and
Victoria Toensing - 3/18/07
Fox News guy - Brit Hume - 3/11/07
VA Secretary - Jim Nicholson - 3/4/07
Rep. Michele Bachmann - (R-MN) - 2/25/07