Q.11 Now, we would like to rate your feelings toward some people and organizations, with one hundred meaning a VERY WARM, FAVORABLE feeling; zero meaning a VERY COLD, UNFAVORABLE feeling; and fifty meaning not particularly warm or cold. You can use any number from zero to one hundred, the higher the number the more favorable your feelings are toward that person or organization.You really have to give the American Jewish community a lot of credit when it comes to political wisdom. They definitely pay attention. And they certainly get it.
Lieberman got a median score of 41.7, compared to 57.8 for Obama, 24.8 for George W. Bush, 39.5 for John McCain, 47.9 for Nancy Pelosi, 55.3 for the Democratic Party and 29.4 for the Republican Party.
Two controversial religious figures, Pastor John Hagee and the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, were virtually tied, Hagee at 15 and Wright at 14.9. Tonight, Lieberman is addressing Hagee's group, Christians United for Israel.
Traitor Joe Lieberman on Tuesday, despite over 40,000 petitioners who pleaded with him not to, appeared with the despicable Catholic and Jewish-hating John Hagee.
Most Jews, unlike Traitor Joe Lieberman obviously, realize the Republican Party is dominated by 'evangelical' Christians like John Hagee, who all believe that Jews will need to convert to Christianity when 'the Rapture' occurs or they will burn in Hell.
Take John McCain who 'converted' from Presbyterian to being a 'Baptist'. Who in their right mind would ever do that? No one would. The crazy fucking 'evangelicals', the ones Lieberman sucks up to, need to be 'marginalized' by any means necessary and that will not be done until the Party they prop up his defeated and left in the dustbin of civilization.
Fortunately, American Jews definitely pay attention.
Here for the survey results. And it gets even better, 60%-33% in a Gallup poll. Be sure to check out Traitor Joe at 5:30 into that 'Rapture' video. One of the things I look most forward to this November is when Democrats win six more Senate seats and throw Lieberman off the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committees. That will be sweet poetic justice.