Amendment II - A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.
Not much ambiguity in that sentence. Especially with the part, "the right of the people to keep and bear arms..."
The, "A well regulated militia" and "security of a free state" parts are a little questionable to its 'original intent', I think one could argue. As you know, those who had a little something to do with that sentence were dead-set against standing armies in peacetime, so of course it would only make sense to have "A well regulated militia", 220 years ago. I seriously doubt those guys ever envisioned gang-bangers and skinheads as part of any well regulated militia.
But, it does clearly state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.
The problem with the D.C. law is 'it went too far'. The 'good guys' were left defenseless. The lawsuit was brought by a security guard. How do you get security guards in D.C. to work unarmed?
I still don't think those guys thought skinheads and gang-bangers would be part of the militia. The 2nd Amendment doesn't say they can't be. They certainly have enough guns. They can't all have criminal records.
And that's all the more reason why I'm not giving up my weapons. I'll do it right it after everyone else does and when I know for sure I'm the last one holding. And that ain't gonna happen.
But I'm a 'law-abiding' citizen. Mostly.
And I don't live in D.C. or Chicago either. Barack Obama does. I've never worked in the Chicago projects.
A 'well regulated militia'? We have the mightiest, and by far the most costly military in the world. We have over 700 military bases in over 130 countries. Maybe we should just arm everybody here at home and get rid of the military. That's the way they wanted it to be in the first place anyway.
Oh yeah, about the title. Obama, so far, struck out on FISA [not sure what he's getting at], hit a grand slam and a bases-loaded double on Habeas Corpus and a rbi double on the Second Amendment.
On the other hand, Bush, McCain, the four knuckle-draggers on the Supreme Court and the part-time Constitutional wingnuts, are batting a paltry, .250, with 3 strike-outs and a single with no runs batted in.
I'm hitting a 1000. So is the Constitution.