Saturday, June 21, 2008

Happy 220th Birthday!

The United States Constitution was ratified 220 years ago today, on June 21, 1788, when nine states, Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Georgia, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maryland, South Carolina and New Hampshire, reached the required number of states needed for ratification. Virginia would ratify four days later, New York the following month, North Carolina not until November 1789, and finally, Rhode Island (by two votes!) on May 29, 1790.

If the Constitution's Framers were alive today they would be taking the constitutionally-challenged midgets like George W. Bush, John McCain and Lindsey Graham out to the street for a duel. Or at least out for a good lashing in the woodshed.

John McCain's little sidekick, Lindsey Graham, is hilariously considering a constitutional amendment in a attempt to overturn the 5th and 6th Amendments. And John McCain laughingly stated that he would "not rule out that option."

Hey, what the hell, those two minor and insignificant Amendments are only 217 years old. And of course, deeply derived from the Magna Carta, which is only going on 800 years old.

Here's what the little hayseed Graham said yesterday;
'The Court’s decision is bad on many levels and I will continue to review the decision and determine its sweeping effect on our military. I will also explore the possibility, if necessary, of a constitutional amendment to blunt the effect of this decision when it comes to protecting our men and women in the military and our nation as a whole.'
Of course -- why shouldn't we throw out Habeas Corpus on the advice of such constitutional scholars as, Bush, McCain, Lindsey Graham and the frightened, constitutionally-ignorant flock on the Right?

Yeah sure, wingnuts -- that'll happen. You will never get 38 states to ratify an amendment that reverses the words on basic human rights from heroes -- And 20% of The Bill of Rights! -- on the recommendation of those zeroes you have representing you.

It ain't gonna happen. Get used to adhering to the 220 year old - TODAY! - United States Constitution!

Happy Birthday!