John McCain has accused Barack Obama of “cowboy diplomacy” over free trade that threatened to undermine relations with Canada and reverse the benefits of the North American Free Trade Agreement.North America Free Trade Agreement. When you talk about NAFTA you're talking about Canada, Mexico and the United States.
The Arizona senator noted that Canada was the biggest US export market and that two-way trade across the Ambassador Bridge between Detroit and Canada was equal to all US exports to Japan. But he warned that the costs of complying with Nafta rules and regulations threatened to become the equivalent of a tariff.
It should not be that hard to figure out that when Barack Obama complains about NAFTA he's talking about Mexico, not Canada. Canada has a competitive wage. Get a clue Lil Bush and the all the Lil' wingnuts.
We've lost 3.5 million manufacturing jobs just under George W. Bush's reign alone. Those jobs are not going to Canada. You should be smart enough to figure that out.
NAFTA is a terrible trade agreement that is nothing but a jobs program for Mexico.
And by the way, Lil' Bush, you're not going to get any votes up in Ottawa.