Thursday, June 26, 2008

How's that Dow Jones working out for you?

Man, I'm tired of losing money under these goddamn Republicans!

Did you ever think you would lose 20% of the equity in your home? Your 'nest egg'?

And the market under these fools? The Dow is at 11,453. It was at 10,588 in January 2001 when these bankrupting idiots took over completely. Do you realize how pathetic of a gain that is? It's like 1.1% per year.

I remember 10 months ago one of the truly ignorant writing, "The economy is on fire, lowest unemployment in history, the Dow is over 14,000 ..." The chickenshit and his feminine partner were doing their usual 'moderating' of any educated rebuttal so I wrote a blog story pointing out why their blog is known as "Liar's Quorum".

That poor wingnut dumbass hasn't gotten one right in years. And he hasn't been bragging about his boy's economy too much lately, either

He and 62 million of the idiots got us here.

Let's sign up for four more.