Saturday, August 04, 2007

A Participatory Talk on Pathological-ness

The cold, hard reality
path·o·log·i·cal, adj.
3. caused by or evidencing a mentally disturbed condition: a pathological liar.
I want to throw out this scenario that happened this week and see how all six of my readers view this situation. Actually, it's only five of you who may want to participate since the scenario actually involves the sixth.

I won't mention the person's name or blog to avoid him anymore embarrassment - Believe me, he doesn't need any help with that, since he does a wonderful job of doing it all by himself.

Here is a line from a long, rambling, almost incoherent, and as always, nonsensical comment he wrote on his blog Monday;
"The economy is on fire, lowest unemployment in history, the Dow is over 14,000 ..."
First of all, calling this economy, even 'good', is a stretch, calling it 'on fire', is hyperbole worthy of a 'piss your pants' laughing outburst. But that's an opinion and there's no clear clinical pathology in that line. This guy's been wearing these HUGE kneepads with a big 'W' on them for well over the last seven years - well before the 2000 election - so of course his 'opinion' is warped toward a defensive position.

But again, this 'participatory talk' deals with this person's alarming propensity to flat-out lie, and not a judgment of his obvious deficiency in aptitude, so I'll move on so we can dissect the remainder of the line.

No, it wasn't his erroneous remark, 'the Dow is over 14,000'. That is definitely stretching the truth, but you have to realize, this guy grasps for anything to save face from his seven plus years of the humiliation of being proven to be so wrong on virtually every argument he's made. Yes, true, the Dow was NOT even close to 14,000 that day - it was down to 13,358 at the close of July 30. And yes, it had been below 14,000 for a full 10 days prior to that 'line', and yes, it definitely shows he plays very loose with the facts but I'm also willing to let him plead total ignorance (knowing him, it's not at all unlikely he was just clueless and 10-12 days behind reality) but, I know, you see the pattern, don't you?

And by the way, unfortunately, the Dow closed yesterday at 13,181.

So what's left? [Isn't it mind boggling how someone can cram so much wrong into one short sentence?] Obviously, through elimination you know the lie was; "lowest unemployment in history".

I wish that lying moron would bet me $5,000 on that claim. "Lowest unemployment in history"? Come on, I'd bet $10,000 that it's not even the lowest this decade. But he would never take that bet and do you know why? Exactly, you're right, and that's why he's a certifiable pathological liar - He knows it's NOT true but he writes it anyway.

Here are the unemployment facts; The unemployment rate is currently, 4.6%. The day George Bush was (s)elected into office, in November 2000, it was 4.0%, and in case you're wondering, unemployment was 3.8% in April 2000.

So why couldn't he just be clueless about the unemployment rate like he was with the other 2/3rds of his comment, you ask? Because he's been told those facts on unemployment here, here, here, here and probably at least that many other times in comments about that very same subject.

But, those links were only written and how do you know he read them? Because this guy religiously reads my blog. It's the first thing he reads when he gets up in the morning and it's the last thing he reads before he goes to bed. Hell, I actually thought he was going to start a new 'daily roundup' of events about this blog earlier this week. He's totally obsessed with 'done that'.

Nah, believe me, he read all of those, more than once almost certainly, and he knew when he wrote that shit last Monday he was lying and that's the undeniable 'pathological-ness' of a stone-cold liar.

I have only met maybe two, three people at the very most in my entire life - with this guy one of them - who are capable of flat-out lying like that without any care whatsoever ... It's a very strange behavior ...

I just thought I'd throw it out there and see what others think and see if they have had similar situations.

Thank you very much for participating.