Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Some things you might want to know about the Great State of Michigan...

Michigan's Governor, Jennifer Granholm is battling it out with the state's legislature over a proposed $800 million budget deficit.

Which, when you think about it, (and know your facts) isn't bad when you consider her Republican predecessor, John Engler, left her with a $1.7 billion, or $1.8 billion deficit when he finally vacated his fatass from the State Capitol back in January of 2003.

I read somewhere the other day that the state of Michigan had one of the 'highest tax rates in the country'. No, that's not true and only a liar or an idiot that's too dumb and too lazy to look it up, would write such nonsense.

You see, Michigan isn't even in the top half and is actually tied with New Mexico as the 29th 'highest taxed' state.

I know, I know, you went to the link and saw where Michigan was 22nd and not 29th. Well, that's easy enough - Those rankings are from 2005 when Michigan's state income tax was 4.1% and now it's down to 3.9%, which brings Michigan down to a 9.9 rating, the same as New Mexico's.

And who knows, maybe some of the other states had tax decreases also and Michigan might not be 29th. But one thing is for sure, Michigan is NOT one of the 'higher' taxed states - Not even close. And only a liar or a lazy dumbass, or both, would state that.

And another thing. Michigan doesn't have a 'liberal' Democratic problem. Michigan has a Republican problem. The Michigan State Senate has had a Republican majority for something like 12-14 years and the State House had a Republican majority for 8 years up until just last November. That's not a Democratic problem.

And Michigan's place at 49th or 50th in unemployment? Hey, Michigan makes cars - we manufacture things. The Chinese do a lot of that now. But you know, Michigan didn't have that problem when Bill Clinton was in office. Clinton and Gore were very, very good for Michigan. In fact, look at this graph and take note that during those good old days of Bill Clinton, Michigan had an unemployment rate that was LOWER than the national average.
Notice when Michigan's unemployment rate passes the national average?

If Michigan has a problem that's not unique to its heavy manufacturing base then the only thing one can truthfully surmise is, Michigan has a 'Republican problem'.

And other people who say and write differently have a truth and integrity 'problem'. Of course, that's already been established here long ago.

Go Wolverines!