Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Republicans - Who the real 'cheaters' are

Von Spakovsky and the ‘vote-suppression agenda.’

McClatchy ran a detailed profile today on Hans von Spakovsky, the top Bush administration official who many in Congress believe is “a key player in a Republican campaign to hang onto power in Washington by suppressing the votes of minority voters.”
You've always heard a lot of the whiny-ass big-mouth wingnuts complain about Democrats 'stuffing' ballot boxes or registering to vote multiple times, which has now been proven false.

There has been something like 34 documented cases (15 of which the charges were dropped) of people registering to vote more than once over the last six years - And hell, Ann Coulter is one of them! She's within the '15 where the charges were dropped' and all she had to do was give her old ex-boyfriend, the FBI agent, a blowjob to get her charges dropped. (I wonder where these 12 Republicans fall in those numbers?)

Bottom line folks, it's the Republicans who have to cheat to win elections and that's now been proven.

Ask the poor inner city minorities from Cleveland, Ohio
what it's like to have their votes suppressed.

That's right, 350,000 votes in Ohio. If those Ohioans would have been allowed to vote, we wouldn't be having the problems we're having now.

And then just think of Florida in 2000 and imagine how well off this country would be. It's one of the biggest scams this country has ever seen.

Just remember - It's Republican who have to cheat to win. And up to this point, unfortunately for the nation, they've been very good at it! And we will pay for it for decades to come.