Tuesday, July 24, 2007

So, when are you going to threaten the Saudis?

WASHINGTON, July 24 (Xinhua) -- The United States and Iran had "difficult discussions" during their second round of ambassador-level talks over the security situation in Iraq, U.S. ambassador to Iraq Ryan Crocker said Tuesday.

"Frankly, I certainly walked into the room today expecting that discussions would be difficult. We've got a lot of problems with the Iranians."

Who do you think has killed more Americans, the Saudi Arabian-backed Sunni insurgents or the Iranian-backed Shia militias?

It's not even close - Saudi Arabian-backed Sunnis - backed with personnel, weapons, bomb making material and cash from the Kingdom - have killed far more Americans than the Shia. The ratio is something like 15 to 1!

When is Ambassador Crocker, Condi Rice, Dick Cheney or George Bush going to threaten the Saudis?

How about a little more consistency and lot less favoritism?

How about choosing your country over your fucking wallet?