Monday, March 05, 2007

Saudis funding insurgents in Iraq

WASHINGTON — During his inaugural appearance before Congress last week, the new U.S. intelligence czar made a rare public reference to one of Washington's secret dreads.

Mike McConnell, the new director of national intelligence, said there are funds coming from Saudi Arabia, an ostensible U.S. ally, to help Sunni insurgents in Iraq, while Iran is supporting the Shiite militias there.

...McConnell later elaborated that he had "no awareness at this point" whether the Saudi government was directing the support of Sunni insurgents through private donors. Nor did McConnell explain whether Saudi support was flowing to Iraqi insurgents of Sunni allegiance, or to al-Qaida in Iraq — a Sunni organization — or to some combination.

Vice President Dick Cheney walks with newly crowned King Abdullah, former President George H.W. Bush, and former Secretary of State Colin Powell during a retreat at King Abdullah's Farm in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Friday, August 5, 2005.

Where is all the outrage with Saudi Arabia? Why the silence?

Our silence for the flow of oil, at the cost of Americans dying, is deplorable.